Ch. 24 - The Corrupted Gem

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The three were walking through a huge forest, James was keeping a sharp eye out for anything moving in the trees or snow while Lapis was mak sure nothing was following them.

Luna, the boy's new companion, was walking forward, her head sniffing the ground for any signs of the corrupted gem they were searching for.

Lapis: "James?"

She said as she turned to look at him.

James: "Yeah?"

Lapis: "I'm...I'm really glad I got to be here with you..."

James: "Why's that?"

Lapis: "Because, you know, I worry alot about you, getting hurt...or worse, and if it wasn't for me helping you fight the monster, you would never have survived without my help."

She said as she held onto James, making him notice, he remembered when he got hurt by the "Abominable Snow gem" and told her and Peridot to make a run for it while he kept it's focus on him, buying the gems time to get help.

Although Lapis refused to leave and wanted to help him.

James: "Lapis..."

She looks at him upon hearing her name.

James: "Thanks for staying with me..."

He said, smiling while Lapis grinned.

Lapis: "No problem, somebody's got to look out for you too, right?"

James: "Hey, I can handle myself!"

He yelled.

Lapis: "Says the dummy who ran into the woods and got smacked by the big monster."

She said, playfully hitting his head while laughing, making James grumble.

James: "I didn't think it would be THAT large, alright? It caught me by surprise!"

Lapis: "Well then you should've waited for it to come out then, that way you would never have been hit in the first place!"

James: "Hardy har har..."

He huffed a bit as Lapis stopped her laughing, and rested her head on James's shoulder.

Lapis: "Seriously though, promise me that you won't go do something stupid like that again, okay?"

He sighed, seeing she had a point.

James: "Yeah...I promise, I guess I just got so eager to take on a corrupted gem with my sword from Homeworld..."

He stopped talking as he kept looking out into long pathway of trees ahead of them.

James: "...and because I wanted to test out my powers too, maybe prove to Steven and the guys I have what it takes to be a real Crystal Gem, despite the fact I nearly died and became Blue Diamond's biological son..."

James said as he placed a hand on his diamond gem.

Lapis was listening and started feeling sorry for him.

James: "I'm so lost Lapis...I care about you and everyone else here on Earth...but I also have a new family on Homeworld, and if the time comes when I have to pick a side..."

He closed his eyes as tears formed and started falling down his face.

Lapis immediately felt the energy of Blue Diamond coming from James and cried a little as well.

James: "What am I going to do...I don't want to be an enemy to Earth or the Diamonds, unless we try to make peace, but that would just make things worse!"

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