Ch. 16 - Lapis's Confession

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Peridot was by the barn wearing sunglasses, laying on a floaty in the little pool with Pumpkin, while Lapis sat up on the truck, watching Camp Pining Hearts.

Peridot: "Been real quiet this past few days..."

Lapis: "I kinda like it."

Lapis said from above, still watching the show. Peridot took out a juice box, examining it before taking a small sip.

Peridot: "Aaah, delicious human beverage..."

Pumpkin heard a noise coming from the warp pad, immediately jumping off of the green gem's lap, surprising her as she fell off the floaty, dropping her juice, spilling it in the pool.

Peridot: "Hey! Pumpkin, I was drinking that! Lapis! Do we have anymore of these?"

Lapis: "Fresh out, Peri."

Lapis said as she drank a beverage she had next to her, flattening it with her forehead.

Peridot: "Ugh, might as well see who Pumpkin is yapping at..."

Pumpkin barked excitedly as someone appeared on the pad, Peridot got out of the pool, wiping her visor as she tried to see where that vegetable ran off to.

She immediately stopped upon seeing the person in front of her was James, holding a box full of stuff.

Peridot: "J-James...?"

He waves nervously at her with one hand, still holding the box.

James: "Hey Peridot, hey Pumpkin."

She barked happily as she ran around James, while Peridot smiled and jumped up at the human, hugging him tightly as he fell backwards onto the ground dropping his stuff as Pumpkin hopped on James too, licking his face.

Peridot: "Your back!"

James: "Hehe, yeah, I sure am..."

Peridot: "Hey Lapis! Our friend is back!"

Lapis's head lifted up from her television and quickly saw James being hugged by the two as she sprouted her water wings and flew down to them.

James saw her as he stood up in front of the blue gem.

Lapis: "James..."

James: "Hey..."

She had a look of sadness on her face as she ran up to him, engulfing him into a hug again.

Lapis had her head on his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his back.

James: "Sorry I took so must be really mad at me..."

He said while rubbing his eye that was forming a tear.

Lapis: "I should hate you for leaving us like that, just to see Blue Diamond..."

She started crying a little as James held onto her tightly.

Lapis: "...but I don't care, what's important is that your back, and your not hurt..."

She pulled away from him, smiling at James who did the same, but immediately frowned.

Lapis: "What's wrong?"

Peridot: "Yeah James, you look "depressed", I think that's the word..."

Peridot said while holding Pumpkin.

James sighed as looked at both of his friends who were worrying about him.

James: "Guys...something DID happen to me...when I was on Homeworld..."

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