Ch. 33 - Reunited pt. 2

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Steven was inside the bathroom with a white shirt, who was carefully shaving his face while James stood outside the door, already dressed in his tux, waiting for him.

Steven: "Mom was a Diamond who invaded Earth, saw it's beauty and its worth. She made an army and she fought herself. Did that even end up mattering when she faked her own shattering?"

He sang, James couldn't help but hum in after he started singing.

Steven: "Pink lived in hiding by the name of Rose with the friends she made and the form she chose..."

Steven was facing the mirror, frowning.

Steven: "Now all that's left of her exists in me, and I think that we can all agree...that is a little bit upsetting..."

He adjusted his outfit as he turns toward the door.

Steven: "But I'd rather think about-"

He then slides outside, surprising James.

Steven: "-A wedding!"

He sang as Steven looks over at James's suit.

Steven: "Hey James, looking good!"

He said, giving him a thumbs up.

James: "Thanks! Not so bad yourself, dude! Ready to get this wedding started?"

Steven: "You bet!"

He said as they happily headed into the living room.

Steven: "Let's think about cake!"

James: "Let's think about flowers! Let's think about dressing up and dancing around for hours!"

He sang while spinning as Steven was in thought.

Steven: "There's an awful lot of awful things we could be thinking of, but for just one day let's only think about love!"

Ruby came in while covering her eyes, while Sapphire sitting on Steven's bed was doing the same with her eye with her hands.

Ruby: "Okay, Sapphire. I gotta get dressed for our big day now, so no peeking. And no future vision either!"

She smiled as she walked away, making Sapphire laugh.

Sapphire: "Okay!"

James: "Careful not to bump into anything guys!"

Just then, Ruby tripped over a box, surprising Pearl and the boys, but then made a thumbs up to them.

Ruby: "I'm okay!"

She said as James and Steven went over to Pearl, sitting on the couch with her top hat in her hands.

James: "You doing alright, Pearl?"

Pearl: "Oh! Steven, James! Sorry, I was...just wishing I could've said some things sooner to both of you about Rose...being Pink."

Steven shook his head as he sat down next to her.

James: "We could think about lies, that we told in the past."

Pearl: "You took it so hard..."

Steven: "You could think about hurt feelings and how long they can last."

Pearl: "How can you move on?"

She asked as James put a hand on her shoulder.

James: "Or we could think about hope!"

Pearl: "Hope?"

Steven: "Exactly!"

He nodded.

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