Ch. 7 - Apologies

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Dark. That's what James could see as he entered through the doors, nothing but faint glows of blue lights ahead of him. Upon entering, he began to wonder about Homeworld and it's gem inhabitants, he IS the first human to ever set foot on an alien planet.

James: "Blue? Are you there?"

He called out to her...suddenly, the room he was in lit up, revealing his surroundings. In front of him was a room similar to Pink Diamond's room and a huge throne, with Blue Diamond seated and her Pearl close by.

James: "Mom! I'm so glad to see you!"

At first, James was thrilled to see her again, but looking into her eyes, he saw not a look of happiness, but sadness.

Blue Diamond: "James..."

She stood up, shifting down to her quartz form, as Blue began walking slowly towards him.

James: "A-Are you alright...?"

He looked at her with worry when she was close to him, and was startled as she quickly wrapped her big arms around him, lifting him up for an embrace. He could feel her shaking as she cried many tears on his shoulder.

Blue Diamond: "I-I was so...frightened, I had believed you would not make it...I feared the worst if Yellow..."

James: "Blue, calm down, I'm okay now, you saved me, remember?"

She realized as she set him back down, to see her replica gem on his chest.

Blue Diamond: "I thought it was impossible to use an empty gem to meld with your form...but...there it is."

She smiled as she placed her hand on it, rubbing the smooth surface of his gem, but soon frowned.

Blue Diamond: "This is my fault..."

James shook his head.

James: "You couldn't have known what would happen to me, mom..."

Blue Diamond: "I shouldn't have been so eager to take you here...but I was so excited! You are the first human I care the most about!"

She turns, wiping her tears away.

Blue Diamond: "And if Yellow were to hurt you again...I would lose someone I care deeply about, like Pink....I don't want to be alone again..."

James was taken back at her words, he didn't want to make her feel this pain again, he immediately went up to her and held her big hand, making her look down at him.

James: "Mom, I...I'm so sorry, I never wanted to make you feel alone, can you forgive me?"

She only smiled and knelt down to hug him tightly.

Blue Diamond: "It does not matter now James, just...don't leave me again..."

She finished, as she stood up looking back down at James.

Blue Diamond: " does it feel to be a Diamond?"

James: "I dunno, I still feel the same, aside from the fact that I'm not hungry. This gem, it can make me morph clothes onto me! And maybe I can live forever now!"

Blue Diamond: "Perhaps, but how would you know for certain?"

James: "Hmmm, oh! My heart!"

Blue looked at him confusedly.

Blue Diamond: "Your Heart?"

James: "It's the thing that helps a human live, and so the only way to know if I'm immortal, is if I have no heartbeat!"

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