Ch. 13 - Gemcation

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Pearl: "You died, and became a DIAMOND!? is that even possible!?"

She screamed as everyone was sitting down in front of James, Garnet stood still as Amethyst patted Pearl's back, Greg was also with them, while Steven and Connie left outside after his story.

James: "Yeah, it seems I'm immortal now, with Blue's powers and everything, heh..."

Greg: "Oh boy...that must've been a crazy vacation for ya..."

Amethyst: "Yeah Jay, going to Homeworld, getting zapped by a Diamond, got yourself a sword and hanging out with the Famethysts, man, I wish I was there!"

James: "I have so much more to tell you guys, oh! And I even know how to pilot a ship!"

Pearl showed a look of excitement.

Amethyst: "That's awesome dude! Next time someone gets captured, you can fly us out for a rescue mission!"

Garnet crossed her arms while smirking.

Garnet: "So...Defender of Homeworld, huh?"

James blushed a bit, smiling nervously.

James: "I hope you guys don't think of me as an enemy, back there I was protecting gems who didn't deserve punishment."

Amethyst: "I think it's actually kinda cool! Bet Skinny and Carnelian enjoyed hanging out with you."

Pearl sighed as she walked up to James, giving him a hug.

Pearl: "Well, at least you weren't being controlled by the aren't though, are you?"

She asked, pulling away from the hug in worry, the boy started laughing.

James: "It's okay Pearl, I'm fine...but I should probably get some sleep though, fighting robots and gems have totally worn me out..."

He yawned as he went to the couch and immediately knocked out as everyone looked at each other.

Garnet: "That's probably for the best..."

-The next day-

James awoke hearing squeaking noises and sat up as he looked around to see Steven washing the dishes with...a soap bottle?

James: "Steven?"

Steven: "Oh! Hi James! Sorry, I was just doing the dishes..."

He rubbed his eyes as he layed back down.

James: "How long have I been out?"

Steven: "A few days...? You were REALLY tired..."

James: "What!? So you already told Lars's parents and Sadie about him still being on Homeworld?"

He screamed as he got up from the couch.

Steven: "Well, after that I also had to help Dewey keep his status as mayor of Beach City, but we lost..."

He said, sighing.

James: "Oh...well, what about Connie? Thought you two would be out training with each other again after that whole "being captured" business."

Steven frowned, looking at the clean dishes.

Steven: "It's been kinda rough with Connie..."

James: "What do you mean?"

Steven: "She didn't seem happy about me giving myself up to Homeworld, I've been trying to call her, but she didn't reply back."

James placed a hand on his chin in thought.

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