Ch. 19 - Horror Night Pt. 1

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James was not feeling well after the last few days, he couldn't sleep at all from what happened that night, why did he see Blue Diamond in his dream? Was she just a hallucination made from his mind? Or did he contact her from Homeworld because both of them have a strong connection from the diamond on his chest that he shares with her?

Whatever the dream was, he hoped she didn't read his mind about the Crystal Gems and him being friends, he shook at the thought.

His mind was lost a little as James was walking down a street that led to Sadie's house, he looked up at the sky, seeing it was starting to get dark.

He started to walk a little bit faster now that it was Halloween, meaning that Ronaldo has another scary movie planned for tonight, maybe this will help James forget everything about the dream he had that day.

He loved horror movies, though he never enjoyed watching them at night before bedtime.

The teen remembered that Steven said he wasn't watching coming to watch the movie with his friends after what happened last time, so he had Amethyst substitute in his stead. James also brought his sword, just in case.

Lapis was also on board since she had been watching Camp Pining Hearts everyday and wanted to try something new. Thank goodness, James thought in his head as he got to the door of Sadie's house and knocked on it.

After a few seconds, footsteps were heard from inside as the doorknob turned and opened to reveal Sadie, already wearing her jacket, and smiled nervously, seeing James was by the door.

Sadie: "Oh, hey James! Your early."

Honestly whenever James sees her adorable smile, he can't help but do the same.

James: "Heya, ready for the annual Horror Night?"

Sadie: "You bet, hopefully we don't get into another haunting again, a-am I right?"

James shuddered, remembering last time as Sadie noticed his shaking.

Sadie: "Too soon?"

James: "Too soon."

Sadie then shut her door and they began the walk away from the neighborhood as they saw kids were already in their costumes, starting the traditional trick or treating as James and Sadie were walking up the hill to the lighthouse.

Sadie: "So, another Halloween movie again, huh?"

James: "Yeah."

Sadie: "Sure wish Lars was here for movie night, he's probably not such a bad guy now after saving Steven's life."

James: "Mm hmm..."

She turned, seeing James was kinda in another world at the moment.

Sadie: "James? Are you okay?"

James: "I don't know..."

She stopped him, making James look at her.

Sadie: "Steven told me you've had a nightmare a few days ago, and you have bags underneath your eyes..."

James could only frown, followed by a groan, not wanting to argue with her.

James: "Sadie, could we just drop it and talk about this after the movie...please?"

He asked her, rubbing his head as Sadie sighed, and smiled while she nodded at him, making James grin as well as they reached the Lighthouse.

Lapis: "Hey, there you guys are!"

Immediately they were startled, seeing Amethyst and Lapis, standing by the door.

Amethyst: "What took you guys so long?"

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