Ch. 8 - Forging and Training

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The warp pad glowed as they teleported and arrived quickly to their destination.

Blue Pearl: "Here we are my Diamond, the Grand Colosseum of Homeworld."

She said, pointing towards a huge arena, the structure was colored to the three Diamonds. Gems were entering the place as others were wandering around or chatting.

James: "So, your Yellow Diamond's Pearl, I don't think we were properly introduced, I'm James."

He raised for a handshake as Yellow Pearl turned at the human with an brow raised.

Yellow Pearl: "Charmed, now let's press on to the Forge."

James: "Ok...?"

The gem went on ahead as James and Blue Pearl look at each other as they followed her quickly.

The Pearls led the human passed the eyes of some curious gems while he was admiring the buildings and the view of Homeworld.

James: "Whoa, I never thought you guys had such beautiful architecture."

Yellow Pearl: "Yes, this wondrous city was made as a gateway to all the existing colonies. I'm surprised an organic like you is so fascinated with our culture."

James: "I mostly can't wait to see what history you guys have..."

He said as they were walking towards the entrance.

James was suddenly bumped by someone as he hit the ground on his back, making the two Pearls look back in shock.

???: "O-Oh my goodness! I'm deeply sorry for that, are you okay?"

The gem raised a hand for James to help him as he took it.

James: "No no, I'm totally fine..."

As he stood up, he got a good look at the gem who lifted him up. She was all blue, and skinny looking, wearing some sort of lawyer suit? She had a light blue oval shaped monocle on her eye, he saw her gem was on her chest, and also noticed her hair was a bit curved moon shape-like.

Yellow Pearl: "Blue Zircon! You need to be more careful, this is the human Diamond hybrid!"

Suddenly, gem citizens that were around them stopped what they were doing and looked at James in surprise.

James: "Oh boy..."

He got nervous by all the looks he was getting from them.

The gem known as Blue Zircon, looked at the Yellow in surprise and turned at the human having the Blue Diamond gem on his chest and immediately got scared and saluted.

Blue Zircon: "Oh my stars! A thousand apologies, huma- I-I mean, my Diamond...this is so confusing."

James laughed nervously and calmed her down.

James: "Zircon, chill, it was just an accident, I didn't exactly know where I was going can be a little difficult to get past crowds out here am I right?"

Some of the gems surrounding them either gasped or began talking to each other about James, seeing him apologize to a common gem and saying it was his fault for not paying attention.

Blue Zircon was speechless that the diamond hybrid was acting so nice to her. Even the Pearls were shocked.

Blue Zircon: "T-Thank you, my Diamond! But I must be on my way..."

She speed walked past the crowd of gems as James yelled,

James: "I hope we meet again sometime!"

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