Ch. 12 - The Reveal

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Steven, James and the Off Colors are observing the recently resurrected Lars in awe.

Lars: "Wha...What the heck just happened?"

Immediately, both of his friends pulled Lars into a hug.

Rhodonite: "Oh, thank the stars!"

The group of gems sighed.

Steven: "Lars! You saved us! You stopped the last Robonoid, but it exploded, and you weren't moving, and we started crying!"

James: "Yeah! I almost started to accept that you were no longer alive!"

He said as he wiped his tears away.

Then Steven gasped in realization.

Steven:  "I brought you back to life! It was an accident! I mean, I probably would've done that on purpose if I had known I could do that, but I didn't really ask your permission, so I'm sorry!"

James and Lars looked at him with wide eyes.

Lars: "Back to life? So I was... away from life?"

James: "Uh, that's not the only thing that happened dude..."

James said, pointing at his skin.

Lars: "Aah! I'!"

Steven: "I know! I'm so sorry! Do you feel okay?"

He asked as James looked at Lars to make sure he was okay.

Lars: "I don't really know."

Steven: "But your body, are you sore?"

Lars: "No..."

Steven: "Are you tired?"

Lars: "...No...?"

Steven: "Do you feel good?"

Lars: "No."

Steven: "Do you feel bad?"

Lars: "No! I guess I just feel really freaked out."

James laughed as he patted the boy's back.

James: "Okay Steven, I think he needs a moment to calm down."

Steven: "Ok, at least we're on the same page here."

James then stood in front of Lars, examining his hair.

James: "His hair looks oddly familiar..."

Steven: "What do you mean..?"

They're conversation was cut short as mechanical sounds are heard in the cave exit, making everyone gasp.

Rhodonite: "They're back! Those shattering Robonoids are back!"

James: "Oh boy..."

He said as he quickly grabbed his sword from the ground.

Fluorite: "Quickly....block the entrance...."

The Rutile Twins, Rhodonite, and Fluorite move to block the entrance.

Steven: "Lars, you should stay here and rest! James, look after him for me?"

James: "You got it, Steven."

Steven went to follow the other gems as Padparadscha stayed with the two.

Padparadscha: "I predict Lars will change in hue. What a mystery!"

James knelt down to Lars who was still freaking out, placing a hand on his shoulder.

James: "Try to calm down, Lars."

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