Ch. 15 - Visiting an Old Friend

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James: "Amethyst, can you please tell me who we are going to see?"

He asked as her, James and Pearl walked down a street nearing a familiar house.

Amethyst: "We're just visiting Vidalia...since I had nothing better to do and wanted to bring you guys along."

Pearl: "I haven't really been introduced to her, so this should be fun!"

James immediately went wide eyed.

James: "You know Vidalia!?"

Amethyst: "Yeah? Why?"

He got a little nervous and replied.

James: "She was sorta...old friends with my mom when I was a kid..."

Amethyst and Pearl stopped and was shocked.

Pearl and Amethyst: "She was friends with Blue Diamond!?"

James: "What? No! I mean my REAL mom!"

Amethyst slapped her head in realisation.

Amethyst: "Oh right, man that still confuses me, anyway, do you wanna see her?"

The teen was in thought for a moment.

James: "Yes, I'm a little curious of how she's been doing..."

They reached the front door as James began to sweat, Pearl saw this as she looked at him with a look of concern.

Pearl: "Is something the matter, James?"

He quickly nodded at them.

James: "Yeah..."

The two looked at each other, obviously seeing he was not fine.

Amethyst: "Dude, chill out, she's not a bad gal, me and her did all kinds of crazy stuff when she was young."

James: "I know, it's just that...she probably doesn't know what happened to my mom since we moved to the city."

Pearl had her hand on her mouth, gasping.

Amethyst: "Oooh...yikes, sorry if we reminded you about that..."

Amethyst immediately frowned, James was scared that he has to explain to Vidalia about his loss, the purple gem placed a hand on his back and smiled along with Pearl, doing the same.

Pearl: "We lost Rose when she had Steven, me, Garnet, Amethyst and Greg, all had to accept that she was gone and we had to care for her son."

James: "At least you guys were there for her, but my mom didn't have much friends and didn't have family that came to check up on her..."

He said, wiping his eyes of any tears that were forming.

Amethyst: "Aw James, don't cry about this now, Vidalia's probably coming!"

Pearl: "Amethyst!"

She whispers as she turned towards the gem in anger.

Amethyst: "Sorry..."

Pearl looked back at James, sighing as she summoned a tissue from her gem, and began wiping his face.

Pearl: "James, I believe your mother will be proud of who you are now, even if you nearly died and became a Diamond."

Amethyst: "Yeah, what she said..."

She said as Pearl gave her a look.

He smiled and gave her a hug, surprising her.

James: "Thanks Pearl..."

The gem chuckled as she rubbed his blue hair.

Pearl: "Your welcome...and if you don't want to tell her about your mother, that's fine, perhaps do it whenever you feel is the right time."

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