Ch. 20 - Horror Night Pt. 2

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The storm continues at full force, Sadie, Amethyst and James stayed together as they walked through a bigger room full of dolls and puppets. Amethyst goes behind a box, leans over to peak around, using a spot of light from her gem to help the view, while James inspects an empty aisle.

Sadie: "Lapis? Ronaldo?"

She whispers, keeping her crowded bar close to her.

James: "They aren't here, we've searched this entire room."

Amethyst: "You don't think they..."

James shook his head.

James: "No, they aren't "gone" gone...I hope...

Sadie: "If they aren't here, then..."

They then hear a noise coming from a door they didn't see before.

James: "That looks like it leads to a basement..."

Sadie gives a shuddering moan as they all kept their weapons ready.

Opening the door, they see a long staircase leading down from it. The three begin walking down the rusty steps as Amethyst keeps her gem to provide light as James leads them down the stairs.

Sadie: "James?"

James: "Yeah?"

He asked as they walked down the steps.

Sadie: "I...I'm sorry about Lapis..."

James could only sigh.

James: "I know Sadie, it isn't your fault."

He said as they continued until they reached the bottom.

Amethyst: "Hope this ain't a dead end..."

James then noticed an electric generator sits nearby.

He walks over to it and pressed a few buttons to start it, as lights above them turn on to reveal they were in a room full of broken dolls dangling on strings.

James: "Oh my...."

Sadie: "Aw jeez, why must there be more?"

She shudders again, seeing all of their creepy eyes watching them.

Huddled behind Amethyst, Sadie peeks out, looks around, and immediately smiled.

Sadie: "Oh, well, our friends aren't here."

She started backing away towards the steps.

Sadie: "Let's quickly go back up and see if they-"

James puts a hand on her shoulder and yanks her back as she voices a terrified little squeal.

James: "Not yet, we have to face the monster!"

Be whispers to her.

Sadie: "S-Sorry James, this freaky room is getting to me..."

Amethyst: "This way guys."

She said as they continued on, Sadie's steps illuminated by the light of Amethyst's glowing gem. Suddenly a dark shape, resembling a toy with glowing red eyes, runs across her, the high-strung girl shrieks and swings her crow bar toward it, making it fly across the room, surprising James and Amethyst.

Amethyst: "Girl, what is it?"

Sadie: "Over there! One of the dolls just came to life!"

She pointed over to what looks like a baby doll with a broken face as James walks over to it and picks it up.

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