Ch. 17 - Kevin's Party

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It was another beautiful day at Beach City, Garnet and Pearl were making another sand castle for crabs, making a group of people stop to gawk at the structure they were building.

Amethyst was doing basically nothing, except for pranking Ronaldo, by turning into a Sneople that he kept theorizing about. He's probably not going to stop talking about them from now on...

Meanwhile, at the Fish Stew Pizza place, Lapis and James were outside eating a few slices of the traditional pizza.

James, was kinda surprised to see her taking bites of the pepperoni pizza.

James: "Wow Lapis, I didn't know you like eating food!"

Lapis: "Amethyst taught me to form "taste buds" on my tongue, after a few days of eating, I absolutely love it."

James: "So, you love pizza then?"

Lapis: "Not as much as you."

James then blushed.

James: "Aw! Stop it, Lappy..."

They both laughed together when suddenly, the doors from the pizza place open as Steven exits, holding a bunch of paper, putting up what looks like a missing poster with Lion's picture on it.

He then speaks to someone inside.

Steven: "If you see him, call me right away! He's my only interdimensional gateway to space, and I love him."

Steven: "Okay, I think I have enough fliers left to --"

James: "Hey Ste-man!"

Lapis: "Hello Steven!"

Steven then jumps, nearly dropping all of his fliers, but calmed down when he saw his two friends.

Steven: "Hey James, hey Lapis..."

James: "What's happening little dude?"

He looks away for a second before speaking.

Steven: "Lion's gone missing..."

James showed a look of worry while Lapis was confused.

Lapis: "Who's Lion?"

James: "He's that big pink cat that sleeps anywhere he wants."

Lapis: "Oh."

Steven: "Did you guys happen to see him?"

They looked at each other and shook their heads sadly.

James: "Sorry, we haven't seen him anywhere, do you remember when you last saw him?"

Steven: " was the day when me and Connie talked after we came back from Homeworld, and she was very upset and rode away with Lion..."

James: "Do you think maybe that he stayed with her at her house?"

He asked while Lapis was finishing her pizza.

Steven: "Mmm, no? Lion doesn't usually stay in one place..."

James: "Oh, well, I'm sure he'll turn up, you know how lazy that feline is."

Steven laughed a little.

Steven: ", what's been going on with you guys?"

James was startled by his question and immediately hesitated.

Lapis: "James and me are a "couple"."

He looks at Lapis with wide eyes, she just literally said that without being embarrassed first!

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