Ch. 9 - The Colosseum

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-WARNING, this chapter contains a MAJOR SPOILER-

For those who haven't watched "Legs from here to Homeworld", please don't read any further!


The Famethyst gems were leading James down a dark blue hallway, knowing he is about to face Homeworld's strongest gems.

He started to wonder who he will be fighting, a Jasper...?

Immediately he began to shudder at the thought after facing against the one on Earth, and after she got corrupted, he started to have nightmares of her every night.

James ran up to Skinny and Carnelian who were up ahead.

James: "Sooo, who will I be fighting exactly?"

Skinny: "Well, since this is a big clash for title, you'll be fighting two twin Ruby gems, a Peridot, and a big Blue Onyx. Actually, I think there's gonna be more than just those four..."

James: "I'm going to be fighting them one by one?"

He asked.

Carnelian: "Nah, all the gems are gonna start fighting each other, and if two gems survive the match, they will face in the final match!"

Skinny: "Basically, it's all out war for the title, entertaining right?"

James sweated nervously, realising he has to fight them all at once, it would've been easy to take them on one at a time, but if this was how he's gonna be a Diamond...

The Amethysts stop by a huge door, and judging by the sounds coming from outside, James could hear there were alot of gems wanting to see the fight.

Skinny immediately grabbed his shoulders.

Skinny: "This is it, blue boy, you better get that sword of yours ready, because it's about to get ugly out there."

James still had a look of shock, still thinking this was a bad idea until Carnelian snapped him out of his worried state.

Carnelian: "Don't be freaking out dude, I know you'll win!"

Amethyst 1: "Yeah, we're all gonna cheer you on!"

One of the curly haired quartz soldiers ruffled his hair.

Amethyst 2: "Show those pebbles you have the power to poof them with your Star Sword!"

James smiled but frowned after noticing another problem.

James: "Girls, I appreciate you all making me feel better and stuff, but I don't even know how to use my Diamond powers yet!"

Skinny: "Don't worry about that James! It'll come to ya...eventually?"

She while shrugging.

Carnelian: "Also remember that the Diamonds are going to watch you also from their big seats."

James started to get frightened.

James: "Even...White Diamond...?"

Skinny: "Well...shes actually going to watch your fight from her screen...its odd though that she never makes herself known on Homeworld..."

Suddenly, the sounds of the announcer interrupted their conversation.

Jade Blue: "Gooood evening Hoooomeworld! And welcome to the big event you've all been waiting for!"

The sound of beats were heard as she continued.

Jade Blue: "It's your host, DJ Jade Blue, bringing down the announcement for all gems to enter the field!"

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