Ch. 18 - The Dream

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As James was laying on his bed in the Barn, he was pressing a few buttons on the little box he kept from Homeworld as a hologram screen popped up, revealing his friends, Skinny and Carnelian.

Carnelian: "Hey! This works!"

James smiled as he waves at them.

James: "Hey girls!"

Skinny: "Hey Diamond boy, what's happening?"

James: "Nothing much, how's everything going on Homeworld?"

Skinny: "Well, it's-"

Carnelian immediately moved Skinny out of the way, pushing her face away.

Carnelian: "It's been crazy up here when everyone found out you were gone!"

James frowned a little.

James: "That bad, huh? What's going on with Blue Bismuth and Onyx? Or Zircon? Are they okay?"

Skinny glared at Carnelian she continued explaining to James.

Skinny: "Blue Zircon reformed and is totally fine, Onyx is still around, bored while Blue Bismuth and that other gem, Jade Blue...we don't know where they are..."

James: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Carnelian: "After we heard the news that you "disappeared", they got a little..."

Skinny shoved her, facing the screen.

Skinny: "They got scared and are currently looking for you, we don't know where they went exactly."

She said, finishing her sentence.

James: "Alright...well, how's Blue Diamond been doing?"

Carnelian and Skinny looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

Carnelian: "Not good dude, she's been worrying about you alot after you left..."

Skinny: "Her and the other Diamonds assumed you were shattered into little pieces by Rose Quartz."

James was speechless, it hasn't even been that long since he's been gone, unless time moves alot faster on Homeworld than it does on Earth.

Carnelian: "Should we tell Onyx that your okay?"

James nodded.

Skinny: "Also, when are you gonna be coming back?"

James: "I can't come back to Homeworld yet, because...I have a girlfriend here."

Skinny and Carnelian showed confused looks.

Skinny: "Girlfriend?"

James then sighed, realising they don't know what that means.

James: "It's someone you love and care about, she's a Lapis Lazuli, and we kind of became a fusion...twice."

The two gems immediately gasped and blushed as he finished his sentence.

Carnelian: "Aww, that's amazing James!"

Skinny was crossing her arms.

Skinny: "So, your absolutely sure about not wanting to come back?"

James: "I'm totally sure, Skinny."

Skinny: "Well, alright, just remember that you have family and friends on more than one planet, kay?"

Carnelian: "Don't be a stranger!"

She said, giving James a peace out, signing off the communication device.

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