Ch. 5 - Meeting Yellow Diamond

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James walked next to the tall gem to see a gigantic city in the distance.

James walked next to the tall gem to see a gigantic city in the distance

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James: "Wow!"

Blue Diamond: "Magnificent, is it not?"

James: "It's beautiful...

She turned, walking back to the palanquin's controls.

Blue Diamond: "I want you to know James, we are on my planet, not Earth, things here are much different."

James nodded, as he looked out, he noticed a massive ship in the distance that looks like...a head?

James: "Hey mom? What's that ship way over there?"

He asked, pointing at the massive head ship in the distance.

Blue Diamond: "That is White Diamond's..."

James: "Who is she?

Blue Diamond: "She's ruler of Homeworld."

She pressed a button as they flew out of her arm ship. The palanquin went through Homeworld as she lowered to a nearby docking bay.

James looked down to see thousands of gems, waiting to see their Diamond.

James: "Does Homeworld know about me?"

Blue Diamond: "Yes, as of now they believe your my favorite pet because of your unique hair."

James: "Hey! I'm not an animal!"

She smiled as reached a finger to rub his hair, making James laugh.

Blue Diamond: "Of course not, you are my "son."

As they landed, Blue instructed her Pearl to clear the way of the crowd of gems for her to walk out.

Blue Diamond: "I hope you will enjoy your time on Homeworld, perhaps I could give you a tour."

Blue Diamond pulled her hood over her head and stood up to open her curtains as James jumped onto the blue surface to see hundreds of gems looking at him, they were all in different shapes, most of them were tall or short. Lined in front of the gem citizens were the Amethysts and Jasper guards from the Human Zoo.

As Blue came out with her pearl, everyone quickly stood straight making a diamond salute.

James then saw Holly Blue Agate, the gem who put him and Greg in the Zoo.

Holly: "My illustrious Diamond, so delighted to see you back aga-"

Her sentence was halted when she saw James standing next to Blue Pearl.

Blue Diamond: "Come with us to the war room at once, there is a matter with Yellow I must speak about."

Holly quickly saluted her.

Holly: "Y-Yes! Of course my Diamond!"

She walked next to James with them as the crowd applauded at Blue Diamond

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