Ch. 3 - The Wonders of Earth

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James was making his path further away from Beach City as he continued walking, he checked his bag of things he wanted to show to Blue.

Can't wait to show her these.

He was excited, after he shows her the Earth, she wanted him to come with her to Homeworld for a little while, he kinda felt bad he didn't tell the guys he was going with Blue Diamond.

But he worried more about if they were to follow him, thinking James was kidnapped to be put back on the Zoo, so he was glad he didn't tell them where he was going.

He reached a hill, knowing this was the spot where he told Blue he would be.

Now to wait and see her huge palanquin coming from the sky.

He then sat down in a comfy position and stared at sky, the sun was almost setting down for the night.

After a few moments, a rustle in the bushes was heard, he turned to see Blue Diamond's Pearl appear.

James: "Blue Pearl! Its nice to see you again!"

He said smiling.

Blue Pearl: "Greetings, my Diamond has sent me to escort you to her ship."

James got up as he began walking with her through the woods.

In his mind he wondered if what Garnet said was true about Blue Diamond being evil.

James: "Pearl, might I ask you a question? What was Blue like before she lost Pink?"

Blue Pearl: "Well, she never was like her fellow Diamonds, my Diamond was a merciful leader to her court and gems."

James: "What about the ones who aren't serving her?"

He asked curiously.

Blue Pearl: "She also does the same to them, or other species out there."

After a few minutes of walking, they reached an enormous surrounding of huge trees and saw her palanquin standing in front of them, then the curtains opened to reveal Blue Diamond as she stood up towering over her pearl and James, she smiled upon seeing her human again.

James: "Hey Blue, I missed you."

He said smiling back at her.

Blue Diamond: "Hello again, I'm so glad to see you have returned to me."

She knelt down to them as she placed her hand on the ground for him as he walked up to her, she lifted him up to her face, James stared at her like he was in a trance, this made Blue Diamond giggle softly.

Blue Diamond: "Why are you staring at me?"

James: "Your diamond shaped eyes, they are too hard to not look at."

She was surprised by him saying her eyes were beautiful as she blushed a blue tint on her cheeks.

James laughed a bit.

James: "Sorry, I already said you were beautiful once..."

He then felt giant lips kiss his forehead, making him laugh.

Blue Diamond: "It's quite alright child, it's very nice of you to compliment my eyes, you are my "son" after all."

She said chuckling.

Blue Diamond then looked around seeing the big trees around them.

Blue Diamond: "This place...I've never seen plants that can grow this tall."

She said as she placed a hand on one of the trees.

James: "Yeah, this is my favorite place to just walk around away from town, it's nice and quiet here."

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