Ch. 4 - The Horrors of Homeworld

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Blue Diamond and James were walking out of the forest and into an open field.

James was off of her shoulder, because he wanted to walk for a bit.

Blue Diamond: "Are we close, James?"

James: "Just across this open field."

She looked on, seeing the many thousands of flowers around them.

Stopping for a moment, she knelt down to marvel at it's beauty.

Blue Diamond: "All these plants growing here in one place."

James: "The earth can grow different kinds of plants than just these, we sho- *Gasp* Blue! Look!"

He knelt down fast as he picked a flower from the ground.

Blue heard him calling her name and loomed over him to see what he found.

James: "Its a blue rose, I thought they only grew in the furthest parts of the world, but..."

Blue Diamond lowered her head to gaze at the plant with him.

Suddenly his hand held up the plant to the gem, giving it to her.

James: "I want you to have it."

Blue Diamond: "Me? But why?"

He blushed a little.

James: "When I looked at it, it reminds me of you...gosh I sound silly for saying that."

Blue Diamond's eyes stared at the flower, and smiled as she shifted to a Quartz gem size, like she did back when they were in Pink's room.

He got startled by her change, as she took the rose with her hand, giving him a light peck on the forehead.

Blue Diamond: "It is beautiful...I shall cherish this always."

James realized he was supposed to give her something else as he reached for his bag, taking out what looked like a crown of flowers.

James: "I made these for you too, I used to do this kind of thing for my mom when I was little, may I...?"

She nodded as she lowered her head for him to put it on.

Blue wrapped her long robes around him for an embrace.

Blue Diamond: "...Thank you..."

James: "Aw shucks, Blue, your making me blush."

She giggled as she then bubbled the flower, making it disappear.

Blue Diamond: "The rose will be kept with my Pearl once we return to my ship."

James: "Alright...we are near the place I wanted to show you, so you don't need to get tall to walk us there."

He held out his hand for her to grab it, as she smiled while grabbing it.

They walked through the field of flowers up a hill.

Blue Diamond: "James, I've been wanting to thank you..."

James: "For what?"

Blue Diamond: "These past few days, being here with you has made me feel like I am restored, I know at some point of my existence, I must accept the fact about Pink being shattered by Rose Quartz."

James stopped and turned to look at her face.

James: "Do you really believe Pink was shattered by her? Rose loved the Earth and the humans just as she did."

Blue Diamond: "I...was told she was shattered by her...but something about it feels...wrong. If only Rose were alive, and I would ask her what really happened."

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