Ch. 21 - Training Time

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At the Sky Arena Temple, James, Pearl, and Garnet were in the middle of something VERY important.

It was a day of training for the boy, and the fusion was helping him tap into his Diamond powers.

While they prepared, Steven and Connie were sitting next to Lion on steps having their gear out, waiting to start training with James.

Steven: "This is gonna be so cool, Connie!"

He said with stars in his eyes.

Connie: "I know! We're finally going to see James fight!"

Steven: "And we get to train with him!"

Steven pointed out as the two were keeping a close eye on James who pulled his Star Sword out.

James: "Remind me why I'm not using my new gem weapon for training again?"

Garnet: "What me and Pearl have in mind does not require a Diamond weapon."

She said, crossing her arms.

Pearl: "As powerful as they may be, you still have alot to battle, the Diamonds each use a different kind of power, electricity, and of course water, they can also use energy to combine with any weapons they can use..."

Pearl explained.

James then looks at his weapon.

James: "You mean I can use my powers to cover the sword I have with blue energy, making it stronger? Like deal more damage?"

Pearl nodded as Garnet spoke again.

Garnet: "Blue Diamond's abilities are immensely powerful compared to Yellow, you share the exact same perks that she has."

She said, as she adjusted her visors.

Garnet: "Also remember that Blue Diamond's power is based on empathetic energy, try to focus on the sad emotions that you feel everyday and channel it into your gem then onto the sword..."

James nodded as he closed his eyes, immediately already thinking of the night Lapis almost lost him and cried a little, taking a slow deep breath and exhaled, feeling waves of energy flow through him as Steven and Connie stared in awe.

Steven: "Whoa..."

James then moved his free hand to his sword, gripping it with both as he opened his eyes to see the Star Sword engulfed with blue energy.

Connie: "So cool!"

Pearl: "Bravo James!"

She said while clapping, making James grin as the kids cheered with excitement, Lion though was just laying, already sound asleep.

James: "So who am I training with today?"

He asked while twirling his weapon around.

Pearl: "Well, since we couldn't agree about whether me or Garnet should train you..."

Garnet: "We decided that each of us will take turns, including Stevonnie."

She said, smiling as she looked at the two sitting down.

Steven: "We get to fuse and fight James?"

Connie: "We can't wait!"

They both get excited as James was wondering which gem he'll train with first.

James: "Oh, then who's going first?"

Garnet: "I will be first."

James and everyone else stared at her with widened eyes.

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