Ch. 35 - Old Grudges

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In the Sneepian colonized planet, at the palace of Empress Zeena, a steamed general Basilix was storming down the long halls, reaching a door that was guarded by two Sneepian androids.

Sneepian: "Do you have business here, general?"

Basilix: "I wish to see the prisoner, the one I captured years ago."

Both the guards glance at each other before looking back at the general.

Sneepian: "We regret to inform you, her Empresses advisor, Dee-Chu, has taken the liberty of-"

His sentence was cut off as his neck was gripped tightly, damaging his voice box as Basilix glared a darker expression on his face.

Basilix: "I am well aware that she's inside, it's why I'm here in the first place, to make sure she doesn't get answers out of that scum before I do..."

He said as his grip tightened, making the android's neck break entirely, dropping him to the ground as his attention was turned to the other guard.

Basilix: "Let. Me. Through..."

He was immediately let inside, entering a huge dark hall, filled with green neon lights as a blood curdling scream was heard.

- In the Torture Chamber -

Dee-Chu: "Stop! He's had enough."

The Axolotl advisor to Empress Zeena yelled as two Sneepian androids were finished torturing the prisoner with their electric sticks.

Sneepian: "Prisoner refuses to cooperate, despite our attempts to break him."

The guard explained.

Dee-Chu: "Because you bolts for brains are doing a bad job at containing one organic. Chain him back to the wall..."

She ordered them, they nodded at her command, strapping him back as she then faced the prisoner.

???: "Aww, so soon? But I was just about to crack a few more jokes while being hit multiple times."

Dee-Chu wasn't amused by this person's chilled attitude, pinching between her eyes.

Dee-Chu: "I honestly don't know how you survived after all these years, you WILL talk, sooner or later, and perhaps I can persuade the Empress to release you..."

???: "I seriously doubt that, I'm actually starting to enjoy the prison food here."

Dee-Chu got irritated by that, turning her attention towards something.

Dee-Chu: "Since you won't give us information..."

She said while setting up a small device and pricked it on the prisoner's neck, collecting a sample of his blood.

???: "Ouch! Jeez, what are you, my doctor now?"

Dee-Chu: "Just collecting a sample for my device I created, sometimes I love being a genius more than an advisor to the Empress..."

She said, sighing to herself.

???: "I think it suits you."

Dee-Chu: "Stop flattering me."

Suddenly, the door behind her was slammed wide open, revealing to be General Basilix having a non amused expression on his face as Dee-Chu groaned.

Dee-Chu: "I knew you'd show up eventually..."

Basilix: "I should've known you'd be here interrogating the prisoner before me, I was the one who captured this scum years ago in the first place, not you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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