Ch. 27 - The Space Adventure pt. 1

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In the far reaches of space, we see a ship sailing slowly across the stars, inside, were the off colors, who managed to escape Homeworld with the help of their friend Lars, yes, Lars from Earth, who nearly died if it weren't for Steven and his healing tears, turning him pink, and making him immortal.

He and the gems have been through so much, becoming a space pirate with a cool new outfit, that he "borrowed," along with a stolen ship called The Sun Incinerator, thus making enemies with an elite gem, Emerald, who won't stop until she hunts him and the off colors down and gets her ship back from them.

As of now, their ship's thrusters have been slightly damaged, thanks to a little confrontation with the green gem.

Lars: "Captain's log, star date, uh...Thursday, space is really big, everything is messed up, our nova thrusters are busted. And getting home is taking forever!"

Rhodonite: "Hey, Captain? Should we be writing this down?"

Lars: "Uh, yeah! Since this all feels like an episode of Star Trek, I thought, hey, I got the whole ship and captain Kirk schtick, how's about I do a little impression of that guy?"

He asked while groaning to himself, earning a confused look from the fusion.

Rhodonite: "I don't understand what any of that was, but okay..."

Meanwhile, the Rutile Twins overheard the conversation as one of them looked at the other.

Rutile Twin: "What's Star Trek?"

The other just shrugged as they continued trying to find a way to fix the thrusters.

Padparadscha: "I predict that Lars will act strange."

Suddenly, Lars's hair glowed as the gem boy, Steven, jumped out.

Steven: "Hey guys!"

Lars: "Hey Steven..."

He said, grumbling, making Steven frown a little until he realized...

Steven: "Oh wait! Hold on a sec."

He quickly went back in his hair for a moment until he came back with a subway sandwich and James, who fell out of Lars and immediately gasped for air, shocking everyone.

James: "Man, I hate going through that place..."

Lars: "James!?"

The teen stared at him in surprise as James turned towards him.

James: "Lars!"

He got up while Lars stood up from his seat as the two hugged each other, making Steven smile.

Lars: "I can't believe your here!"

James: "You should thank Steven, he wanted me to tag along."

He grinned, turning to the boy.

Lars: "Thanks bud..."

The twins turned from their seat and were excited as well, running up to James and hugged him tightly.

Rutile Twin: "It's been so long!"

Rutile Twin: "We missed you so much!"

James: "Nice to see you guys too."

He said, hugging them back.

Rhodonite: "Where have you been this whole time?"

The fusion asked while getting up, and walked towards him.

James: "Well, you know, a little freedom on Earth from my duties on Homeworld..."

Immediately, the orange Sapphire yelled in surprise of James's arrival.

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