Ch. 31 - Maid of Honor

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James and Jade Blue, along with Steven and the group were preparing for the big day as a bunch of papers were set.

Steven: "This is just to give you all some ideas, Ruby said she wanted your reunion as Garnet to be special!"

Ruby nodded, smiling as the boy started to tear up in happiness.

Steven: "And there's nothing more special and romantic, than a beautiful wedding!"

Jade Blue leaned over at James for a moment.

Jade Blue: "Yo Jae, what's a wedding?"

She whispers to him.

James: "It's a human celebration of having two people who love each other and want to stay together."

JB couldn't help but smile at the word "celebration."

Jade Blue: "So it's like a party? Sweet! I wanna be the one to play some music!"

Steven: "That's good! Because I'm also inviting Sour Cream to play too, he's also a DJ!"

Jade Blue: "A human DJ? Hmm, does he happen to know anything sick beat related?"

Steven: "Totally!"

Jade Blue: "Wickeeeed, can't wait to meet him, Steeman!"

She said, giving two big thumbs up while Lapis looks at James.

Lapis: "Hey James, do you think me and you can have a wedding too?"

He immediately blushed from that question.

James: "Wh-Whoa! Slow down! I-I actually don't think we can do that..."

Lapis just laughs.

Lapis: "I was just kidding! Besides, you and me don't need to be don't age at all, remember?"

James: "Oh Yeah..."

He said, hitting his head in realization as Jade Blue immediately smiled at her friends.

Jade Blue: "You guys are just the perfect match for each other!"

She grinned.

Peridot: "You should see their fusion."

Jade Blue: "WhaaAAaaat!?"

The gem said with a shocked expression, Lapis and James both laughed nervously as the group continued their planning.

Ruby: "It's like they say; if you wanna drink the cow, you gotta put a ring on it!"

James: "Huh?"

He said, tilting his head, confused by what she said.

Sapphire: "Who says that?"

Ruby: "I-I don't know, I just made it up..."

She said while blushing in embarrassment as Steven then held out a book, flipping through some pages.

Steven: "Okay, let's take a look at printing styles for your invitations!"

As they all started brainstorming, Cat Steven was seen walking towards Lapis and proceeded to snuggle on her lap.

James: "Can we have a water style to it? Wait, no, ice!"

Peridot: "What about those little green spacemen? They're so cute!"

Amethyst shook her head as she crossed her arms, smirking.

Amethyst: "I'm down for purple flames..."

Ruby then raised her hand.

Ruby: "Ooo! Would it be cool if we got red flames on it?"

Sapphire: "Oh, and some dolphins!"

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