Ch. 34 - Back to Homeworld

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After the big fight ended, morning had arrived as Blue Diamond was hugging Steven close to her face, crying giant tears.

Blue Diamond: "Oh, Pink! You've been here on Earth all along!"

She happily said as she crushed him against her cheek as all the Crystal Gems, except Connie, were crying her tears. James couldn't take anymore as he banged his head on the wall, hoping for this waterfall of emotions to end.

James: "If she k-keeps doing this, I think I'm gonna die of dehydration! Ugh! I can't take it anymore!"

He said as Bismuth shuts her eyes.

Bismuth: "This is *sniff* too much for me either..."

Amethyst was wiping her eyes, already losing her mind as the tears kept coming.

Amethyst: "Rrrg! Somebody m-make Blue stop! I c-can't see anything!"

She yelled, shaking her head as Connie looks at them.

Connie: "Are you guys okay?"

James: "It's just *sniff* her p-power, after finding out the truth, all those emotional feelings she bottled up is pouring all out..."

He said, looking up to see her smiling as continued caressing Steven to her cheek, feeling more streams of tears go down as her attention was turned towards James.

Blue Diamond: "James, why didn't you tell me...?"

She asked, getting everyone's attention as he rubbed his arm.

James: "W-Well mom, you see, I wanted to, but there was no time to explain, and you and Yellow wanted to fight and then everything went out of control..."

She shook her head at him.

Blue Diamond: "It doesn't matter..."

Blue said, reaching her hand out suddenly, grabbing James, pulling him in for a hug along with Steven.

Blue Diamond: "...what really matters is that I have you and Pink back!"

He feels her gentle hands crushing them as he looks to his cousin.

Steven: "How did you get through these hugs...?"

James: "It's not so bad...once you get used to it..."

He said as Steven raised a brow at him.

James: "Hey, at least...she isn't going to kill us..."

Garnet meanwhile, glared at the Diamond as she gritted her teeth.

Garnet: "She's going to hurt them!"

Bismuth: "No Garnet, she isn't, look..."

She said, staring up to see Blue's happiness as she held them close.

As they looked at her, Yellow Diamond stood at the beach and was trying to reactivate her ship, but it, as well as Blue's were too damaged from the previous battle as one of the fingers fell into the water.

Groaning to herself, she then turned her attention to the boys being crushed by Blue.

Yellow Diamond: "How could you do this to us, Pink?"

She said as she approached the house.

Yellow Diamond: "Why did you let us think you were shattered? Why the strange disguise? Why are you doing a voice? Why didn't you say something at the trial?"

She squinted her eyes.

Yellow Diamond: "And Blue, can you please stop crying? I can't see."

Yellow Diamond wipes away her tears and splashes them onto the Crystal Gems, glaring up at her.

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