Ch. 11 - The Off Colors

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In the deepest part of Homeworld, we see Blue Diamond's Palanquin has been destroyed after falling.

Steven got out of the wreckage as he found Lars laying down.

Steven: "Lars! Are you okay?"

Lars: "Thanks to your bubble, ugh, my bones are only a little broken."

Steven chuckles nervously.

Steven: "My bones too."

He holds his hand to help him up as they looked around.

Lars: "Dude, those giant ladies were furious with you!"

Steven: "They're the Diamonds. They've been after my mom for 6,000 years, and now they're after me! Come on, we gotta move."

They both started to run from the broken Palanquin and into the dark ruins.

After a few minutes, they think the coast is clear as they began walking down a mountain pile of rocks.

Lars: "So my best friend was on some freaky alien planet the whole time..."

Steven: "Yeah, sorry about not telling you, even though I had no idea he was here on Homeworld."

He said, surprised that he'd be on this planet.

Lars: "Did those ladies brainwashed him or something? Like in one of those alien movies?"

Steven shook his head.

Steven: "I don't think so Lars, James seemed to be happy being with the Diamonds..."

They continue climbing down the rocks as Lars got worried.

Lars: "Steven, that is nuts! Why would he not want to get out of this place!?"

Steven: "Don't worry, we'll save him...eventually?"

Lars didn't like the fact that they are currently stuck in some ruins.

Lars: "Even if we were to save him, how are we supposed to get off this planet? Do you even know where you're going?"

Steven: "No, this is actually my first time here too."

???: "Good thing I'm here to help you guy then..."

They both turned and scream to see James standing behind them.

Lars: "J-James! Your here!"

He quickly ran and gave him a hug.

James: "Sup Lars, long time no see..."

Steven: "James! What are you doing down here with us?"

He let go of Lars and looked at both of them.

James: "Uh, I came to help get you two out of here?"

Steven: "But what about Blue Diamond? I thought you were staying with them!"

James adjusted his armor and sword and smiled.

James: "She may be my mom, but I can't just stay here forever and forget about my friends!"

Steven smiled as he gave him a hug also while Lars just stood confused.

Lars: "Uh, that blue chick up there is your "mom?" Like, for real?"

James: "It's a long and complicated story Lars, I'll explain later..."

He ended the hug with Steven as he gestures them to follow him.

-Later on-

Steven: "So James, where exactly are we?"

James: "We're in the lower parts of what used to be a Kindergarten during the First Era, by the looks of it now..."

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