Ch. 23 - The Reunion

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James awoke and could only see blurred visions which lasted for awhile as he started to see what seemed to be a fireplace in some sort of big cave.

He tried moving but winced in pain as he noticed he had bandages wrapped around his arms and shoulder.

James: "Where did...these come from?"

He said to himself while rubbing his head, he then heard a gasp from behind him, seeing a familiar face.

It was Lapis, who was holding his bag of rations he got from Steven and quickly dropped it and she ran over to him.

Lapis: "James! Your alright!"

She said as she smiled with tears in her eyes, Lapis immediately engulfed him with a hug and began kissing him on the cheek.

James: "Owowow! Lapis, careful! I'm VERY sore! Like everywhere on my body..."

He said, wincing a bit in pain as she realized that he was still hurt, feeling ache all over him.

Lapis: "S-Sorry! I forgot your still hurt after that fight, I'm just glad you aren't dead again..."

James looked at himself with all the bandages on his cheek and some parts of his body as well.

James: "You did this by yourself?"

Lapis nodded with a smile.

Lapis: "I learned from watching you back at the lighthouse."

He blushed a little as the blue gem laughed.

James: "Smart."

But then, James realized something, remembering the thing he saw before he fainted.

James: "Lapis, the other creature I saw before I went unconscious...was it Lion? Did the guys find us?"

Lapis showed a nervous smile on her face.

Lapis: "Um, yeah...about that..."

Suddenly there was a low growl that can be heard from behind her as James looked at the entrance of the cave to see a big furry creature with glowing white eyes from before as it entered inside.

James: "Lapis, get behind me!"

He freaked out as he quickly got up and pulled Lapis behind him as they backed away from this monster that was walking on all fours towards them.

Lapis: "James wait! It's not-"

James didn't listen as his hand glowed blue, illuminating the cave to get a better look at the creature and was shocked by what he saw.

It was a big wolf, having blue eyes and was completely covered in blue fur along with a dark nose and claws.

James: "That's not Lion..."

It immediately growled again, feeling like it was being threatened by James's blue aura that surrounded his hand.

Lapis: "Don't hurt her James! She helped us! If it wasn't for her, you'd be frozen stiff!"

He turned his attention towards Lapis in confusion.

James: "Wait..."she?" It's a girl...?"

James looked back at the wolf that was glaring at him, something about this creature felt...familiar, and what's very strange was that he can sense some kind of energy coming from energy he sensed from when they first arrived in the Frozen North with his gem.

He thought back to why this wolf was so familiar...and upon seeing a small scar on its neck, he showed a look of shock and surprise.

James: "No way..."

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