Table read No 1

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Lili POV

As soon as Roberto called us in for the table read, I began to freeze but I told myself to be strong and that this was a great new experience  that I was lucky to be apart of. I walked in and took a seat and was quickly joined by none other than Cole, which was very pleasing indeed.

    Roberto began to talk and  went through all the cast and characters and which is then when I realised that Mädchen Amick was playing my mother. I was a huge Twin Peaks fan and I kinda fan-girled a little that Shelly Johnson was playing my mother.

He went on to tell us that we were going to be filming in Vancouver , Canada which I was incredibly excited for as I had always wanted to go to Canada but I was also apprehensive about leaving my family behind in Cleveland. Roberto told us be over in Vancouver by May 4 at the very latest because it would take about three weeks to film the pilot episode due to getting everyone used to the cameras, the Set up and of course Us the cast learning the our  lines.

       Roberto then asked us to go around the table, state our names our characters names and where we from. We started with KJ who was from Auckland , New Zealand on through Casey Cott born in Cleveland like myself but raised in Florida then through Camila Mendes a feisty Brazilian Latino born in Virginia to Madalaine Petsch an American born to South African parents so she dual citizenship which I found fascinating and so on and so forth until we reached Disney child star Cole Sprouse who was actually born in Arezzo Italy which was something I never knew about at all. He said that his parents were teaching English over there and lived there till him and Dylan were about four months old and it was their granny that pushed them into acting as she was a drama teacher. When we finished up , everyone said they were hungry , and in the mood for a bite to eat. I didn't really know what I wanted to eat until none other than Cole Sprouse piped up and said

"What about Taco Bell" and then he looked at me and grinned with his goofy smile...

So guys what you think , I'm open to suggestions. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic. This is my first fan fic. :)

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