Hot Air Balloon Adventures

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Lili POV

Myself and Cole are heading on another adventure today, we are heading up into the air in a hot air balloon , it is something I've always wanted to do before with my family but it's quite a romantic thing so I was more than pleased when Cole told me on Wednesday.

He really spoilt me for my birthday, I think a lot of it was out of guilt as we had a fight the day before, I was getting sick and tired of all the mess around the apartment and I sort of snapped at him, I obviously didn't mean it but I think it was just all the stress of trying to organise a flight to New York last minute.

I was contacted by a magazine called 'Lust' the day before and there were practically no seats left on a return flight back to Vancouver until the day after but I had to be back for work on the Friday at the very latest.

I only found out in the middle of filming when I received the phone call from my manager so when I came back to the apartment to find chip bowls all over the kitchen and clothes left on the couch, I was quite irritated at Cole , things got quite heated but we made up so we are all good now, to be perfectly honest I'm glad myself and Cole have a few minor fights every now and then because it makes me love him even more when we make up.

On my birthday after filming he brought me back to the very throughly cleaned apartment and told me to close my eyes and sit down on the sofa . He heads into the spare room as I place a bandana over my eyes waiting patiently to see what is the reason he has me sitting down with my eyes closed, I hear him coming back into the room, he blows into my ear , his breath warm and comforting. He places some rubbery thing on my palms and then tell me to open my eyes.

" A balloon?" I say, I'm quite confused by it all.

" A hot air balloon," he says laughing.

" But what was the blowing about..." I question before it finally dawns on me.

"Ohhhh , come here Cole" I pull his shirt and kiss him.

"Saturday two o'clock," he says cracking a smile.

Well it is now Saturday and half one myself and Cole have just arrived at Okanagan Ballooning. It's a large open meadow in Vancouver that specialises in Hot Air balloon rides for couples and family events. I read the the description of it all on the website , it all sounds very romantic.

A two hour flying journey admiring the Vancouver meadows with a picnic and a bottle of  some nice champagne to help 'enhance your experience.' We get out of Cole's car and check out the site it's a big open field with a small wooden shack placed in the corner, we walk over to the shack and are kindly greeted by a girl called Molly.

"Private flying for two under the name Martin ?" She asks.

"Yep that's us ," says Cole turning to me and smiling with a cheeky grin.

She tells us that our balloon will be ready in fifteen minutes and we can wait in the coffee shop while we are waiting which is directly beside the shack. It's a small quaint coffee shop with only four tables one of which is occupied by an elderly couple drinking cups of tea and laughing at each other's jokes. They are both well into their seventies but still look at each other like the other one is magic. That's the kind of love I want.

I turn to Cole as point out the couple to him and he smiles and begins to impersonate his idea of what they are saying.

" Well Andy, wasn't that lovely, seeing the Vancouver countryside,"

"Ah yes Rose, it was beautiful almost as beautiful as you"

" Oh Andy you old crone"

I let a giggle as it really looked like the two of them were actually saying Cole's very words. I kiss him softly and ask him why he went under the surname 'Martin'.

"Seriously Lils , you call yourself a fan" he sniggers.

"Oh Zack and Cody! " I say

"Yep" he replies. 

Emma comes out and announces "We're ready for you now Mr Martin and Lara is it?"

" Lili " Cole answers, he picks up his camera bag and links me as we walk up to the base of the balloon departure point. Knowing Cole over a year now makes me come to conclusion that he only wears four shirts and tops over and over again.  The red Hawaiian one he is wearing today, a yellow one and his two iconic tank tops , one black and one white. He also wears his green Sherpa jacket a lot, it's not like he doesn't have any other clothes, I say it's just the clothes he's comfortable in.

Cole takes out his phone and takes a quick photo of the balloon inflating,

"Might as well tease the fans a bit" he grins.

I smile back and gaze into his eyes. We get into the basket and head up into the air. I take out my phone and take a snap myself.

" Hashtag Sprousehart"  I say giggling.

He pulls me close , our breath lingering in the air for a split second and we kiss with full force, this right here is what dreams are made of and I'm living one right now with Cole...

Cole Sprouse

Hey guys L here, thanks so much for 8K reads that crazy! This is the second last chapter of my fanfic so enjoy ❤️
Thanks once again for all your love and support,

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