One Month

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Cole POV

It was one month anniversary since my date with Lili on Monday and we are in the thick of filming Riverdale. We just began filming episode three yesterday, where Betty asks Jughead to come and write for the Blue and Gold. It's a cute sweet scene between Jughead and Betty as I feel that Jughead likes Betty we haven't been told yet but I sense a romance is brewing .

It is also Lili's twentieth birthday today so we are all heading out for dinner as a cast. I'm looking forward to it as it will be the first time all of us will be together in one sitting. I've also got her a great present. Two tickets to Coachella next April as she says she would love to go one year. Its also a kind of a joint one month anniversary present. I know it sounds sappy getting her a present after only a month but I really am falling for her.

I've always been a hopeless romantic since the age of fourteen. The characters of Cody and Zack were very like the two of us. I was more academic than Dylan and was a bit of a people pleaser and like Cody I'm very sensitive. Dylan used to say he he used to hate people comparing me with him but for me personally it was harder for me as everyone then assumes you have no personality or you are no fun.

The funny thing is those really cheesy lines that Cody used to say to Bailey or do for her like keeping a 'missing you diary ' or the 'your the only girl I notice ' line is something that I can imagine myself doing and saying.

We finish filming at four and the reservation is booked for eight.All the group decide to go out and do a bit of shopping in Vancouver apart from Lili and I. Lili says that she's tired and wants a quick nap before a long night of partying and alcohol. I make some stupid excuse that I want to work on my photography portfolio but will meet everyone at the restaurant later.

At five o'clock I head over to Lili and Madalaine's apartment with Lili's present placed in a box wrapped in polka dot wrapping paper. I knock on the door , Lili opens the door softly , her face lights up but ushers me to keep quiet as she's on the phone to her family.

I can tell she misses them terribly she wraps up the conversation a few moments later saying goodbye and promising she will talk later and she will see them soon. She puts her phone on silent and comes rushing over to me.

"Hey handsome" she giggles .

" A small anniversary and birthday present" I say while handing her over the box.

She rips of the wrapping paper of and opens the wooden box and screams.

"Oh my god Cole , you didn't you seriously didn't!"

She freaks out and dances all over the five hundred square foot apartment. She is absolutely adorable with her messy bun, a pair of sweatpants and baggy T-shirt as she jumps on the couch and onto the coffee table until she reaches me and runs up and rugby tackles me to the ground. Wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me tight.

"Thank you, thank you , thank you! " she says as she gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

We get up and lie on the sofa and laugh for a while, she then checks her phone and screams out "oh shit its nearly seven o'clock , I have to have a shower and do my makeup and everything. Ugh "

I get up , give her a quick kiss on the lips and tell her to relax. She thanks me and tells me she loves the present and will see me in a hour. I explain to her that there are two tickets and she may take whoever her hearts desires to bring. 

Who knew a pair of Coachella tickets would make her so happy...

It's eight fifteen and we all have arrived at the restaurant for Lili's birthday well nearly everyone has arrived we are just waiting on Madalaine and Lili. I assuming they're traveling into together. We hear the bell of the restaurant door opening and in comes Madalaine and the birthday girl Lili.

She grabs a seat beside Ross but the seat is opposite me so I get the full view of her flawless face. She's wearing a royal blue skater dress, she looks phenomenal. The night goes really well , we laugh a lot as poor KJ is now the only teenager of the group. He always was the youngest but now everyone is in their twenties and nearly all of us with the exception of Lili are able to drink legally in the US.

"Thank God for Canada ,eh" he laughs in his mighty Kiwi laugh. The legal age for drinking in Canada is nineteen.

Around midnight everyone begins to round up and Casey announces that he and Ross are going clubbing and if anyone wishes to join them. Everyone agrees apart from Lili as she says she doesn't want to be tired for work tomorrow. Everyone tries to convince but fails to do so, I stay with her. Everyone says their goodbyes and says they will talk to her later.

I walk out with Lili as we begin the thirty minute walk back to the apartment block. When we reach the door to the apartment she speaks up.

"I've decided who I'm going to bring to Coachella next year"

"Who? " I say

" You, you fool" she giggles

She kisses me tightly on the lips. We enter the apartment not letting go of our kiss as we both don't want this moment to end...

Thank you so much for 2K reads that's insane! Love you all so much. I'm open to suggestions if you have them. Just DM me. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic . I hope you enjoy 😘

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