End of Pilot

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Cole POV

We finished filming the pilot last week. It was great , but very tiring. I forgot how long filming hours can be.

I've got to the know cast a bit better. To my surprise myself and KJ and I have got really close and have planned a few road trips over summer which is great, Cami and I also have got close as well, she told me about how Ian - her boyfriend is now a professional photographer and that he is doing really well in New York.
Madalaine and I have also got really close as we found out we both read the Archie Comics as kids, we've compared Riverdale and the Archie Comics and what characters we would love to come to life next.

The only person that I never got to say goodbye to was Lili which I'm really upset about as I had to do a photoshoot for Boys by Girls in California the day after the pilot ended.

My flight to San Francisco was at half eight in the evening and Lili's last scene was being filmed at ten, so it just wasn't meant to be.
I tried everything and I mean everything to reschedule my flight , which was incredibly frustrating.
I haven't seen her in over a week and now won't get to see her till San Diego Comic Con in three weeks time.

Don't get me wrong I can't wait for it because of all the comic book writers who will be there and of course the Archie Comic fans seeing the Archie Comics being brought to life in a CW adaptation but the thing or the person I am most looking forward to seeing is Lili.
I've felt so guilty not saying goodbye when we finished the pilot and hopefully she's not too mad at me.

I'm also planning to have a joint birthday party for Dylan and I the week after Comic Con to acknowledge being a year older and all the celebrations that goes with it. Out of all the cast I really would only like Lili to come but I can't just invite her as I can't let anyone know that I like her , not KJ, not Cami or Casey but especially not Dylan. He would mock and tease me and 'accidentally' tell Lili which is something I definitely don't want to happen, well not yet anyway.

Dylan and I always loved Comic Con, our dad used to bring us quite a bit when we were younger. The excitement of seeing your favourite comic book hero in the flesh and getting a photo that you would treasure forever or getting your favourite comic book writer to sign their autograph into your overpriced 'official' comic con autograph book. I remember when I was eleven I met Stan Lee the creator of Marvel Comics and honestly nearly died right there.

I think people forget that actors get starstruck too. Myself and Dylan were and still are such comic book geeks. I'll still admit it today but Dylan won't, secretly deep down he freaks out when Marvel are in discussions for a new Avengers movie.
The camera work and CGI that goes into those movies is incredible. I remember being mind blown by the effects in Captain America The First Avenger. I thought Chris Evans was a perfect choice for the role.

Some people are just perfect for their role. They really embody the character.
Like Lili - Lili Reinhart. She really was the best candidate for the role of Betty Cooper and I know of course I'm biased but she really gives the character so much integrity and depth.

She's just a fantastic actress without any flaws or hatred towards anyone. Everything she does she does it with so much passion and drive.

When she spoke about how awful high school was for her she was so open and truthful about her depression , which is how we should be , we shouldn't be ashamed of it and let it consume our lives. Whenever mental health is mentioned people always assume some crazy person in a mental ward.

Lili was so candid and frank about it which made me even more in love with her than I was already...

So guys what you think , I'm open to suggestions. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic. Enjoy :)

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