A Comic Con Hug

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Lili POV

Today is San Diego Comic Con and I honestly can't wait. I haven't seen the whole crew together since we finished filming the pilot in early June.
Sure I've seen Mads and Cami as we've got really close recently but I haven't seen KJ or Ashleigh or even Cole in ages.

         I never got to say goodbye to him when we finished filming as he had to do some photoshoot the next day back in California.  I was a small bit upset by that but ah well we are only cast mates and obviously I would like to be more than that, but what can you do!

I was up really early as us girls Cami , Madalaine , Ashleigh and I had to get our makeup and hair done at seven. I'm really excited for today as we introducing everyone to our show. Last week we found out that the CW picked us up for the remainder of the season which is fantastic as I get to spend more time with the cast and especially Cole as apparently our characters are meant to be a couple. Imagine!

I'm so excited to see Cole we haven't spoken in weeks. When the pilot ended I spent the weeks of with my family back home. We all went on a family vacation to South Carolina. It was great but a small bit lonely as everyone had a significant other with them.

  Even my youngest sister had her boyfriend with her and she's only thirteen! Don't get me wrong I'm happy for everyone but it feels kind of lonely being the only single one.

I'm finished getting my hair and makeup done so my stylist asks me to pick between two outfits a black and white jumpsuit or a red and green bodycon dress. I go for the jumpsuit as I don't want to show my legs as I completely forgot to shave my legs and I also don't feel comfortable having them out for display.

We are all ready to go and head out to the main hall where we meet KJ , Luke and Cole looking as stylish as ever. Wearing his Brown Sherpa Trucker jacket, a white cotton shirt and blue trousers. We are also joined by Roberto our executive producer but he is currently speaking to some director guy about his ideas for the show. While  Roberto is speaking to the director, Cole blurts out that he and Dylan are having a party next week to celebrate being twenty four and would love for us all to come.

My heart begins to pound, am I really being invited to Cole Sprouses' birthday party?  I know the rest of the cast is too but I can't help but feel ecstatic. Roberto then tells us we are on the panel at four so to meet him back here (the blue room) at quarter to. I go of with the girls to explore as we delve into the countless stalls of comic book mayhem. Madalaine was the only one out of us girls that had been before.

She explained to us every story she could remember of the Archie verse. We were interviewed by a few magazines and youtube interviewers like Audrey Cleo from Young Hollywood and before we knew it was time to meet Roberto. We walked our way to the room where the main panel was.

Just before we went on I began to hyperventilate and freeze. Cole rushed over and asked me if I was ok. I kinda was bit taken aback and just remained silent. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close and rubbing my arm softly.

"Just breathe and be your wonderful self! " he told me.

All the anxiety and worry I was feeling was gone in an instant because of Him.
He then ran off to join KJ on the panel. I stood there for a second longer, his musky scent still lingering in the air. I then walked over to the panel with confidence and a beaming smile on my face.

The panel went incredibly well the audience seemed to really like us. After the panel we all rushed back to our hotel room to get changed for the Entertainment Weekly Comic Con Bash After Party. I quickly changed into my black leather dress and heels and touched up my makeup and the hairstylist fixed my hair into a nice loose bun. I raced out of the room and met Cole in the hallway. My heart began to flutter so I only just managed to thank him for the hug earlier.

"Anytime" he replied.

I was just about to talk to him more when Cami with Madalaine came out of their rooms and said

"Come on Lili we're gonna be late!"

I waved goodbye to Cole and didn't get to
properly thank him and wasn't going to see him till next week at a more than likely overcrowded party...

So guys what you think , I'm open to suggestions. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic. Enjoy :)

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