Never Giving up

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Lili POV

We all walked over to Taco Bell and ordered our food. Camila , Madalaine and I began talking while the boys talked amongst themselves. Camila said to call her Cami as she preferred it and Madalaine said her friends and family call her Mads and since we were going to be spending a lot of time together it made sense. I laughed and said to them to call my whatever they wanted to call me.

     We then talked about high school and what it was like for us girls. Cami said she enjoyed high school surprisingly, she wasn't crazily popular or anything but she did enjoy her high school experience. She also mentioned that when she was ten she lived in Brazil for a year and it helped her become fluent in Portuguese. She then talked about college and how she finished in December 2015 graduated from NYU April this year. She also stated that it was college where she met her current boyfriend- Ian Wallace and they had been dating for just under three years!

Mads on the other hand hated high school, she grew up with hippy vegan parents who were South African and she and her brother were constantly bullied and mocked for her ginger hair. She said that she was raised in Port Orchard ,Washington a very conservative town who didn't really approve of her parents and her brother Shaun. She used to spend every summer vacation in South Africa as all her extended family live there. When she was in South Africa she felt free and alive as know one was there to judge her.

I was a bit more reluctant to share my high school experience but shared it any way. I told them how in my last year of middle school I was in an awful mental state, I was diagnosed with anxiety , depression and went to see a psychiatrist which really saved me. I even tried to convince my mom to let be high schooled but she helped me push through. My mom was and still is my rock she really is my best friend. High school was also tough for me as I was a struggling actress who tried so hard to get any role in any TV show or movie and and that now I was so thankful and grateful that I landed Riverdale.

Cami and Mads said that I was incredibly brave for sharing my story to people I had just met. I began to gush and said thank you. Even though I had just met these girls I know we were going to get on like peas in a pod!

We then all began to talk as a group again till Cole asked me why I drank Mountain Dew and I told him the stupid story of being at parties as a kid and all that.  We then talked about more meaningful stuff such as life , death and everything in between a conversation that was articulate , strong and powerful. He really listened to everything I had to say which was incredibly attractive.

His olive skin glowing and his damn smile that I could look at for days on end but his eyes were an attraction of their own. 

Piercing green eyes like a jaguars in the jungle night that I could look into for days...

So guys what you think , I'm open to suggestions. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic. This is my first fan
Fic :)

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