Mountain Dew , Charizard and a Date

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Cole POV

It's myself and Dylan's birthday today. We are having a massive party with all of our friends we have made throughout the years. Friends from middle and high school , the Suite life, friends from NYU my photography friends and Dylan's brewery friends. But most importantly Lili is coming as well as the rest of the cast from Riverdale.

I get out of bed at around nine , have a shower get dressed and head down to Target to by some last minute party supplies.

As soon I enter Target I'm bombarded by fans asking for photos and autographs. I don't mind doing it as if makes someone's day a little better its worth it.

A few of them saw me at at Comic Con and said they can't wait to see me get back to acting. But most of them commented on my hair asking where my 'Leo locks' had gone and I explained that I had to dye my hair for the role of Jughead. I say goodbye and continue on my shopping. I pass the soft drinks aisle and make sure to top up on Mountain Dew - Lili's  favourite. I head to the checkout and pay for everything.

When I get back to the house Dayna had
just arrived. As well as one of my closest friends Damon Baker. Despite only being friends a few years we are incredibly close. We met a photoshoot about two years ago and have been inseparable ever since. Damon is a professional photographer and is simply amazing at it. He has seen me at my happiest and seen me at my worst , he just one of those friends you could call in middle of the night and he would always pick up. He's like family to me and I will be always thankful for him being there for me.

We all talk for a bit while putting up banners , blowing up balloons and setting up tables with chips and dips. As well setting up the drinks table , making sure there was at least three bottles of Mountain Dew for Lili. Before we knew it, it was time to get changed into our party clothes.

Everyone began to arrive at around six and the party started. The party was in full swing when I heard the doorbell ring. I raced to the door and opened it was Lili with the rest of the gang Mads, Cami , KJ , Casey and and Ashleigh. I invited them all in.

"For you bro and happy birthday"KJ said passing me a large box.

They all wished me a happy birthday and handed me presents. I told them to throw the rest of the presents in the study. Dylan came out with Dayna asking everyone did they want a drink.
"Do you have Mountain Dew"Lili asked.

" I'll check"Dylan responded.

While Dylan was getting everyone their drink I talked to Lili. She looked incredible she was wearing a strapless black dress with a pair of silver heels. Her hair was down and it just flowed perfectly past her shoulders. God she was beautiful. Dylan returned with everyones drinks and Lili's Dew. I wanted to talk for her for hours as I had such a good conversation with her in Taco Bell but I was called away by friends. I told her we would talk later.

"Most definitely"she replied with a smile.

The whole night I kept my eyes on Lili making sure she was okay. She seemed to be enjoying herself talking to my ex Suite Life co star and close friend Debby Ryan which was very pleasing as to see. Everyone left just after one. I was sitting in the back garden just admiring the midnight sky when Lili came out. Her emerald eyes glistening in the night light.

"I wanted to give you this in person"

She passed me a white bag with a present inside. I opened it up it was the incredibly rare 'Charizard ' Pokemon card in a brown photo frame. I was a huge Pokemon fan as a kid and secretly still loved it. When talking to Lili at Taco Bell back in early May I had mentioned that I had every card apart from this one.

" I hope you like it " grinning bashfully as she said it.
" I love it , come here" I announced. She walks over and I throw my arms around her and hug her. She was so warm and smelt of sweet vanilla. I released my arms and began to talk.
" You know I was thinking"

"Thinking what Mr Sprouse?" she asked

" That you and I go out for dinner sometime, not with the rest of the cast, just us - the two of us "

My heart was in my mouth at this stage  I was scared to death as had I just jeopardised our blossoming friendship.

" I would love to" she gushed

"And about time" she giggled

"Say Saturday at The Orchard"  I suggest blushing myself.

"Perfect , pick me up at eight and happy birthday! She says as Camila just comes out not hearing our previous words

"You ready Lili ?  She asks

"Yep "   She quickly responds. I thank them for coming and I told them I hoped they enjoyed themselves.

"You boys still know how to throw a great party" Camila comments.

I say goodbye and wink at Lili , she winks back.

Twenty four was looking promising already as I had gotten a rare Pokemon , thrown yet another legendary party but most importantly had a date with the most beautiful girl on Earth

Lili Pauline Reinhart

So guys what you think , I'm open to suggestions. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic. Enjoy :)

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