A Taco and a Lili

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Cole POV

The table read had just ended, I was hungry and I could see that everyone else was too so I thought of Taco Bell so I just blurted it out everyone seemed to agree. I looked at Lili's reaction.  Her face lit up like a puppy who just had been rewarded after doing a trick. and she smiled with those beautiful green eyes of hers.

When we got to Taco Bell we got a table for the whole gang of us. Camila then piped up and asked everyone what they wanted KJ and Madalaine ordered a bean burrito, Camila said she wanted a shredded chicken burrito and Lili said she wanted a beefy five layer burrito , I decided to branch out of my usual cheesy bean and rice burrito and copy Lili and try her chosen burrito!

Just before Camila went up to pay Lili spoke up
"Wait. Here , I have a loyalty card that  gives me ten percent of each order! "

"I'm guessing , you come Here a lot!" replies Camila.
To which Lili responds in a perfect manner,
"You have no idea, and get me a Large Mountain Dew !"

Camila came back down a few moments later and presenting us with our food and returning Lilis loyalty card. We all tucked in as we were starving.
     I began to talk to KJ asking him about life in New Zealand he explained that he's a quarter Samoan and his dad is the head of some tribe out there.

I also found out that he's not an actual red head and his hair colour is actually the colour of mine now that I had to dye for the role of Jughead. I couldn't really picture him with black hair but I'm sure if I saw it a couple of times I would probably get used to it. He said it took the hair stylists ten hours to find the perfect shade of "Archie Orange ".
God I thought what I long time.

Turns out KJ wasn't the only wasn't one who had to dye their hair for the role of their character. Lili had to change her naturally dirty blonde hair to a more bleached blonde colour I of course had to change my sandy blonde hair to jet black which was a big move even for me, but the one who I was most surprised by who had to dye their hair was Camila. She had at present Jet Black but she said that she was naturally a dark brunette.

I ate my burrito and it was actually delicious much better than my usual cheesy bean burrito. I asked Lili if she was ok and she said she was great, I began to tease her about why she was drinking Mountain Dew and not a normal soft drink like Coco Cola or Fanta. She giggled and responded with the words
"Well Mr Sprouse, at Partys as a kid all the 'normal' drinks were always  guzzled down and there was always Mountain Dew left. I was shy kid and always let everyone else take their drinks first. So I could have the two litre bottle of Dew to myself as you know one really likes Mountain Dew." She smirked

This was the beginning of a very long but beautiful and meaningful conversation...

So guys what you think , I'm open to suggestions. I'm trying to do a Sprousehart fan fic. This is my first fan fic. :)

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