Snow, Rain and a Camera

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Lili POV

It's Valentine's Day today the day each year many people exchange cards , candy , gifts or flowers with their special "valentine". Its my first one with Cole and I'm very excited instead of the giving the usual ten dollar box of chocolates and a bunch of gas station roses I'm giving Cole a more meaningful present a Nikon 70-200 camera lens as I know he really wanted it , it was quite expensive but Valentines weekend overlaps with our six month anniversary, I know it may only be six months but it has been six months of pure bliss sure we've had our ups and downs but every normal couple has we try to make allowances for one another and it has worked well for each of us which is great.

It is also our last day of filming season one today , currently three episodes have aired and the audience have seemed to take it very well
which is fantastic there is also talks of it being brought onto Netflix for our international viewers. Episode four is due to air on the sixteenth so far everything is going smoothly. It is also the date we all have to move out of our apartments in Vancouver which is quiet emotional, I began packing last night with Madalaine its been wonderful sharing a apartment with someone you care about so much and who truly understands you.
If we get picked up for season two I would more than willingly share with Madalaine again.

The last scene we are filming today is Cheryl's attempted suicide scene in the freezing cold and snow. We get driven out to this remote forest in western Vancouver it's beautiful. The scenery is absolutely incredible.

The branches hang low with the weight of the snow, they are like my moms arms when she returns from the Walmart , carrying about a dozen bags filled with the groceries for the week . The green of the grass is still slightly visible but brilliant white of the snow still contrasts perfectly in that "winter wonderland" sort of way. We are all wearing grips on our shoes as the ground could very slippy with ice today, while the thick of layer of snow looks as solid as any forest floor I would sink right up to my knees or beyond. The sky is clear now, a perfect uninterrupted baby blue beneath a winter paradise.

Cole whips out his camera and take some photos of our picturesque surroundings of the snow covered pine trees , the innocent wildlife and the icy lakes. It really like is a winter wonderland in the middle of February. His nose is bright red due to the nippy air , we walk together while waiting to begin recording with KJ and Cami , Mads is practising her falling into the icing cold water scene the ironic thing is that she falls into a pool of warm water not a frozen over freezing cold river bank.

We walk together linking arms our breath being displayed the air. Cole wearing his Jughead beanie, and a large duffle coat. I am absolutely freezing cold despite wearing at least five layers. I mention this to Cole expecting some sarcastic response saying well we are outside in the snow or something like that but instead he breaks away from our linked arms cocks his head and kisses me , he presses his toasty lips against my frozen lips and I suddenly get the feeling of warmth like after drinking some hot cocoa. "Better?" He asks

"Much better" I reply

Hey lovebirds, we're about to start shooting now" it's KJ he calls up back down we both run down linking arms and in unison , yes I know this is cheesy but I don't care maybe cheesy is good now and then.

We film the scene and have everything all done within an hour, Roberto calls out congratulations to everyone as we have just finished filming the first season of Riverdale and if the ratings continue to rise the way they are currently season two maybe sooner than we think. He suggests we all head out for lunch to celebrate, I decline for myself and Cole as I have something planned as it is Valentine's Day Cole smirks.

"She has you whipped , mate" KJ laughs.

"Nothing wrong with that Kage" Cole

We head back to the main set to get changed, everyone heads of to go for lunch while I bring Cole on a short drive to Stanley Park otherwise known as Vancouver's thumb. We go on a short stroll till we grab a bench under a tree as it has begun to rain just drizzling but enough for us to catch a cold. I tell Cole to close his eyes. He closes them and I place the box with the lense inside. I kiss him on the cheek. "Happy Valentines Day Cody" I chuckle as he opens his eyes unwraps the box and he smiled.

Perhaps 'smile' wasn't the right word for it -- the top row of teeth was showing, and there was a faint curve to the lips, but there was no crease below the eyes, no movement of the cheeks. On anyone else, it would be a grimace, at best. On his face, however, it was a sign of bliss.

    "I love it , come here"  he pulls me in close bringing the two of us nearer to the increasingly heavier rain around us.

The rain runs down our faces to where our lips meet, each of us tasting the cold drops. Instead of detracting from the intensity of the moment it brings us to new heights. Cole pushes his lips in more firmly and the wave that runs through me is intoxicating, making my head swim as I pull back to take in his beautiful sculptured face. Everyday I wonder what I do to deserve such an amazing man.

The great thing about filming in Vancouver is that they haven't received Riverdale yet, they are due to get it when it arrives on Netflix Worldwide next Thursday and by then we will be back in the states so it will be fine, what I'm quite nervous about it when Betty and Jughead get together on the show in episode six , people will ask myself and Cole about us.

We have spoke about it and decided that to keep it low key and if anyone asks us just remain calm and not deny it so Cole suggested he will use his 'intellectual capabilities' to put a clever twist on it.

One of things I love about him most his wide range of vocabulary and understanding of complex words , even though sometimes I don't have a clue what he is on about but I don't think anyone else does either...

Hey guys L here, thank you for your ongoing support and love!
Love you all so much. I'm open to suggestions if you have them. Just DM me. Enjoy the rest of your day/night.

L ❤️

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