When Betty Cooper met Bailey Picket

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Lili POV

I spent the last the two weeks at home catching up with family and friends which was great , I spent a lot of time with my Aunt Sarah and my goddaughter Adeline catching up on everything that has happened over the past few weeks.

My aunt Sarah is getting married on the twentieth second of June unfortunately it also the day we start filming season two so I can't make it but I wish her all the best on her very special day. It was also great to see my sister Chloe as I haven't seen her in so long, she lives in Indiana working as a nurse and living with her boyfriend Chris, so it is great to catch up with her. My younger sister and the baby of the family Tess finished middle school this year. I can't believe she is starting high school this year, it only feels like yesterday she started Kindergarten.

I feel kind of sad that I'm missing all theses important moments in my family's life but I have to remember how lucky I am currently, I have a full time job, I have very loving friends and family who love and support me, I also have Cole , he cares for me and always makes me see the positive in negative situations, its not that I'm a pessimist , I'm a realist and sometimes I know that it can be irritating when someone just complains all the time so I don't know how Cole puts up with me at times.

I'm seeing him again today after two weeks apart, he's properly introducing me to his LA friends, Madeline Hill and Debby Ryan are amongst the few, we are currently driving to Debby's house in downtown LA we pass The Orchard where we our first date I turn to Cole and mention it to him.

"The second best day of my life Lili." He says.

"Whats the first?" I ask.

"Meeting you " he replies.

I blush and I begin to think back to Coachella, and he was so kind and caring to me, I was quite apprehensive about going as it was my first proper festival and was pretty devastated when I lost my bracelet from Mexico on the first day, but Cole came in a saved the day and gave me his which made me feel significantly better.

I had a great time with the crew, the following weekend Cole brought me to Antelope Valley, a large poppy field in East LA, I had mentioned it to the group that I would love to go there one day and wear a ball gown and run around like a princess when we where travelling to Coachella not realising he was listening.

He put so much effort into it all and even took a few photos of me which is something I've never had done before,when he finished we both lay down in the meadow of poppies and just admired the sun setting around us and may or may not have made out in the meadow around us. He also asked me to move in with him while we are filming season two to which I graciously accepted.

With ankles crossed and my knees leaning against the center console, I watch Cole drive along the highway to Debby's house , I want to touch him and run my fingers through his hair. Rubbing my hands together, I force them into submission. Observing his movements, a sigh escapes my lips. I adore the subtle tilt of his head when he turns onto the road. Every movement seems as though he's planned it out ahead of time.

He tells me all about how him and Debby have been friends since they were fifteen and whenever he is in LA he always makes an attempt to see her and his other friends in LA. He tells me how tonight they are having a barbecue and how he insisted I come along as he wants to introduce me to everyone as I only met them at his party nearly a year ago.

I feel kind of honoured to be going as I remember Dylan telling me that Cole would only introduce his friends to someone special. So no pressure for tonight then. I honestly don't know how I ended up with such a loving, kind-hearted and handsome man who cares so much about his family and friends and I don't know what I do to deserve him at times.

We arrive at Debby's , I unclip my seatbelt and turn to Cole's seat, for some reason its empty I turn back to my side and realise he had got out of his seat and opened the door for me,

"Thank you." I say trying not to sound nervous of what lies ahead.

"Anything for m'lady, and Lili " he says

"What... Cole" I say trying not to panic as I have no idea what is he about to say

" Just breathe, be your perfect self and everyone will fall in love with you like I did" he whispers.

"Oh Cole," I say as I feel my cheeks turning red, I kiss him softly as we both head inside.

The evening was absolutely lovely, full with great food and even better people. Cole's friends are delightful and speak so highly of Cole which makes me quite proud. I tell them how Cole brought me to Antelope Valley two weeks ago to which one of his friends Madeline makes a joke that Cole has never taken any photos of her so I must be very important to him.

Debby introduces me to her kittens Ryan and Milo , they are so cute, I myself love any type of animal but have a soft spot for kittens and puppies. I spent the evening with Ryan lying on my lap and I loved it, his little face would pop up waiting to be rubbed.

As the evening draws to a close myself and Cole curl up on the outdoor couch Zack - Madeline's boyfriend brings us out a blanket we lie there together soaking up the last few hours of the evening sun.

Tilting my head, I look at him from the corner of my eye. He kisses my cheek and I spin to face him, wrapping the blanket tightly around us both. The world around me blurs as I look into his eyes. My arms reach up and tangle around his neck. I breath in sharply and kiss him delicately, his arms encircling my waist drawing me in, his lips hungry for mine....

Hey guys, Thank you so much for 6K reads! That's amazing, thank you all for your votes and support. It means so much to me you have no idea!! Love you all❤️


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