Prologue: Who am I ?!

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The little house that is lost in the depths of the new Germany is silent, one really wonders if the residents are sleeping or simply not here. Suddenly, a shadow appears from among the trees and advances rapidly towards the house.

-Finally, here I am. The person says, looking at the entourage. My parents' old home.

This person continues with a quick but sure step towards the villa that seems 20 years old. It's confirmed now, no one has been living here for quite a while. The shadow finally arrives in front of the wooden door and opens it easily.

-I wonder where the old war's documents are hidden. The person continues. Mom had refused to let me come here, and Uncle Yess too, but I absolutely want to know...

The young man, because it is a young person under the age of 18, lights the lamp that's hanging on his arm and then begins his search in the living room. The old television that dates back 20 years is dusty, and what surrounds it too. He tries his best to remove the dust on the shelves, he finds nothing but old books that belonged to his father.

After half an hour of searching in the living room, the youngster decides to go up to the second floor to look in the rooms, or rather what remains of them. He first enters the closest and finds a museum with plenty of things that are related to a rock band he loves a lot.

-I can't believe they left all this here. He says, looking at the glasses that protect what's inside them. I'll come back to this later.

He leaves the museum-room and then continues towards the other rooms, but jumps up on seeing his reflection on the mirror. He stars at it for a little while and discovers the common features with his father and his mother's hazel eyes.

-Emil, you are very beautiful but you have no luck with girls. He sighs at his reflection. In addition to Cora who doesn't notice anything of my advances.

The young man named Emil continues his search in the other rooms but finds nothing, either. And it's at this moment that he remembers the control room that Joulanar, Yess' companion, had told him about.

So he gets down quickly, being careful not to fall on the marble stairs. Emil looks for the basement's entrance and ends up finding the door sealed behind a cupboard. He doesn't hesitate a moment and enters then takes the staircase that goes down.

-Bingo !! He exclaims when the door that was closing the control room opens for him without problems. This is the last place I have to look in.

Emil enters the room and quickly starts his research in the shelves. He finally finds what he is looking for and begins putting the papers in his backpack, but a small notebook attracts his attention. He decides to open it and discovers that it's a diary belonging to his mother.

The young man looks around him, searching for something on which he can sit comfortably. He locates the shape of the sofa hidden under a white sheet. He goes to remove it then sits comfortably, before opening the diary. The first pages seem torn, but he begins reading...

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