Chapter 21: What the he- Father !?

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Paul and the other two soldiers kneel before the throne and remain in this position until the other ERWI asks them to straighten up. But I'm just looking at him with big eyes trying to convince myself that I'm having a bad dream, and that I'll wake up when it's done.

-Father, the labyrinth master just- oh hey little sister. Miklos exclaims with joy. I see that Prince Landers has managed to save you.

-Shit, I'm not dreaming !! I exclaim with surprise. I think I need air.

-I understand very well that you are surprised to see me after 10 years of absence. The king begins. I had no choice.

Rayan comes down from his throne of obsidian and comes to me, but I instinctively get back and stretch my hand in front of me to ask him to stay away. My father looks at me with surprise and then turns to the former guitarist of Rammstein.

-Prince Landers, you can retire with the others. The king asks. No, rather ask the other princes to join us.

-Okay, your highness. My lover answers, bowing. They will be here in a few minutes.

Paul leaves the throne's room and the silence settles immediately, we're only exchanging glances the three of us. Until Rayan breaks the silence, and speaks directly to me.

-I know you're angry with me. He says sadly. I wanted to take you with me but you weren't ready to endure all this.

-You should have made a sign for me to understand before I deal with my anomaly. I say, laying my hands on my face. I had endured the reproaches of your wife for ten long years.

-Adelice, I am the ERWI, a creature of hell imprisoned for thousands of years. My father says. And you are my heiress, the one who could carry both bloods in her.

The great door of the throne room opens and I see Landers entering then salutes the king with respect. He announces to his master that the other princes have arrived and then leave to call them, when Rayan gives him a sign.

-Our powerful Lord. Three men say, entering. We are at your service.

-You! I say with surprise when I look at them. But where are Schneider and Flake?

-Doom stayed to protect Lydia and Nadir. Paul answers. But... Till where's Chris?

The former singer of the rock band puts both hands on his face and falls on his knees. I walk quickly to Lindemann and then kneel before him and gently take his hands away from his face.

-What happened to my spiritual father? I ask with fear. Till, tell me !!

He was kidnapped by your similar. He answers between two sobs. I had asked him to stay away from you.

-Shit !! I swear between my clenched teeth. After his temptation to kill us, Paul and I, he kidnaps my spiritual father.

I turn to the others and I see the surprised look on my biological father's face, but I ignore it and talks directly to my lover.

-I must contact Yessfidech, he will know what to do. I announce with a wave of anger in the voice. No prince will die for me.

-You love him very much, don't you, Adelice? My father asks in a neutral voice. More than your real father?

-I was about to ask him to adopt me through their friend Zoran Bihac. I answer quietly. But I could ask him by myself now.

The ERWI sighs sadly and then asks my big brother to go get the phone that is able to reach the other world. Miklos bows with respect and then gets out of the room, leaving us alone again.

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