Chapter 23: On which side are you?

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-Miklos released Ifrayem. Till says. It is an order from his Highness.

We were having breakfast when my father's husband entered the lodge to tell us. I remember releasing my glass of tea to send him an interrogative and surprised look.

-What do you mean, Lindemann? Paul says with surprise. He can't release him like this, after what he did.

-Stop shouting at me, it wasn't me who had given the order. Till says with fury. Just ask your father-in-law.

-I'll go and ask him right away. I say, getting up quickly.

I grab a crescent then get out of the kitchens' room and go directly to the big building where is the ERWI. Three guards are in front of the entrance and try to stop me from entering, I point a finger on one of them to threaten him but I back and look at him with surprise.

-Also Jürgen Planger is here !? I say with surprise. Who will appear next? Chris Pohl of Blutengel, or Serj of SoaD?

-Someone's looking for me? A voice asks, coming from the inside. Nice to see you, your Highness.

-The Prince of Darkness personally ?! I say with surprise, looking at Chris. What are you doing here ?

-I came to visit my old friend. Answers the Gothic. Rayan needs more soldiers for the war that will come.

-I'm glad to see you here, but I must absolutely see the king. I say, in a hurry. We'll see each other later.

Chris Pohl bows with respect, then I see him go with Jürgen with whom he starts directly discussing in German. I finish my crescent quickly, then ask Paul to follow me before pushing the door and enter.

-Why did you release Ifrayem? I shout furiously, looking for ERWI. Are you crazy or what is in your mind?

-I can't kill him like this. My father answers from the top floor. A leader has the right to kill a traitor only in a fight.

-It will be me who take away his life as he had taken away mine. I say with hate. He is mine, and no one else has the right to touch him before I pass over his body.

Rayan says nothing and only looks at me with sadness and regret. I bow quickly to him and then leave the manor to the place where Landers and I live together, this one following me without saying a word.

Upon arriving in our room, I send out all about what I look at. I feel more and more angry, to the point of exploding the mirror that is in front of the bed, just by looking at it.

-Adelice my love, calm down. The tattooed says, approaching slowly. You're scaring me...

-Paul... I whisper as I raise my head to stare at him.

While saying his name, I find myself kissing him languorously before starting to rip his clothes off. I bury my head in his neck and breath his cologne that I love so much, I end up pushing him gently towards the bed.


-Ich liebe dich, Paulchen. I say as I straighten up on my pillow. Du warst wunderbar.

-Ich liebe dich auch, meine schatzy. He answers, lighting a cigarette. Und danke schone fur diese nacht.

I rest my head on his shoulder then encircle his waist with my arms and gently pull him against me. Paul sucks his cigarette and then releases the smoke in front of him, before encircling his free arm around my shoulders.

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