Chapter 08: A new beginning

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I return to the villa accompanied by Assia my niece. The first person I meet is my young brother, I leave him his niece and continue to the control room in the basement.

-Ness... Yessfidech says, looking at me sadly.

I throw myself into his arms and begin to cry. Decidedly, life will remain a big shit and will never give me favours.

-Tell me what happened, Ness. He says, hugging me.

-I kissed him goodbye and that woke him up. I respond. It felt like a "sleeping beauty" movie.

-And you spoke to him after that?

-No I couldn't look at him, so... I ran away, then his girlfriend came to accompany him.

-I'm so sorry, Princess.

My servant leads me to the chair and makes us sit down. I rest my head against his chest and he cuddles me in his arms, singing me one of the songs I love. Tired by my day, I don't resist and let Morpheus take me in a long walk.


That's it, I finally made my decision... I will leave my past behind me and start a new life here in Germany. With a little luck I'll end up forgetting Paul Landers too, and I'll turn the page.

This morning, Lydia will join her private university in which I had inscribed her, and Nad will also go to his private high school. I preferred to choose private schools, to keep them away from trouble.

-Don't forget your Adidas and your sportsuit, Nad. I throw at my brother.

-I have them in my backpack, Ness. The young brown answers.

I am very happy for them, at least they will have an occupation during the day and will also make new friends to forget the past.

-Very well, and you Ly don't let your notebooks all around the kitchen.

-I'll pick up all. She answers.

I feel that I have grown suddenly in just a few days. Taking care of two teenagers and a little girl is a big responsibility for me. Let's pray not disappoint my new little family, and being at the top.

-Yessfidech, would you like to send your hologram to drop them off at school?

-No problem, mistress. The servant replies.

-Don't make too much noise, Assia's always sleeping in her room.

I get the two to the car and remind them of our agreements not to exceed the limits of their schools. After this I go back to my room to prepare to go out and then ask Yess to watch over my niece.

-I'll be back soon, I have some things to buy. I say to the brown.

-No problem my angel, do you want me to create another hologram to accompany you?

-No thanks. I answer him. I'll go in the car by myself.

Once in my new car, I put the seat belt and then turn on the contact, I open the portal gates and go out into the street. After a moment of rolling silently in the city streets, I see what I seek.

I park the car then go out and lock it with my keys. I walk quickly to the shop, but stop at the door when a funny camera comes to scan me.

-Welcome to the Rammstein shop, mademoiselle. A robot says, welcoming me. What can I do for you ?

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