Chapter 06: Rescue Mission

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When the name of the rock band slips from my lips, I feel the masters' looks burning me from every corner. I sigh with frustration, trying to put my wings behind my back. The wings simply stick to my back and form a tattoo that covers the entire dorsal surface.

-Why is the rock band so important for you?! One of the masters asks.

-I want this rock band and but I don't need to give you explanations.

-Wunderbar !! One of the masters is a groupie. Another person whispers with hater.

Yess moves quickly towards the hooded one, but I stop him before he does anything. A leaden silence settles in the room and I hear only the sound of their breathing and heart beatings.

-I'm sorry to say this but I have a sad news to announce. A servant announces.

I feel my heartbeat accelerating and the tears rise to my eyes, threatening to fall. I look at the brown who serves me as a protector and wait for an answer to what scares me the most

-No, they are not dead. Another agent says, standing in front of her master. But rather lost somewhere.

-We must find them, then. My cousin, who was silent from the beginning, shouts.

-Unfortunately, our agents' magic isn't as powerful to locate them if they are on a burnt land.

No... we must not remain like this without doing anything, we must find them. Rather find him because he's the only light that illuminates my dark life. If my servant discovers that he is dead, I too will die of sadness.

-I doubt they'll be in a burned area. My friend says. But I can try, if that's what my mistress wants.

-My servant is too powerful, it could work. I declare to the assembly. He wants to try his luck.

The supreme master accepts, seeing no danger in doing so. We send my friend to the control room and I accompany him to give him enough energy to the research. Lydia is sent to the villa because her presence no longer interests them.

Two hours pass and then the third follows, without Yessfidech finding any trace of them. I start to lose hope and get up from the chair to leave the room. Just in front of the door that...

-Bingo !! My servant exclaims with joy. I found them.

-Where !? I shout, rushing to him.

-In southern Mexico, and they are not alone apparently. Yess answers.

The brown presses several buttons on the keyboard and makes a zoom on the country's map. I lean over the screen and notice seven points, protected by a weak aura. I feel my heart speeding up and talking becomes a difficult thing.

-One of them is a master !! I exclaim with surprise.

-I doubt it's a Beta. Yess replies. He is protecting the others.

-And who is the seventh with them? A mistress asks.

-It's more like a girl... very young. Yess begins. Who is directly related with my protégée.

My brain begins to work at full speed, trying to figure out who this young one, that is related to me, is. I don't find anyone I know who lives in Mexico. I only have a cousin who works in Canada, my uncle is at NASA and a relative who lives in Switzerland.

-No need to search for who she is anymore, it's your niece... Assia.

-What ?? I say with surprise. What's she doing in a country that's miles away from hers?

-No idea... My friend answers, then adds to the master who just entered: Can I start the transfer?

The great master nods and then leaves the room without adding anything else. Yessfidech takes more of my energy then tries to get us the rock band. No longer seeing me necessary, I slip outside the room and go to get a drink from the vending machine.

A moment passes then a hooded young man comes to join me and invites me to sit at a table. He crosses his fingers then decides to start the conversation directly.

-I didn't imagine finally meeting a ruby ​​master. He starts, you don't know how these masters are rare to find.

-I don't know anything about it. I answer with caution. I woke up one day to discover that a crazy enemy decided to start a war on us.

The man looks around and then removes his hood and shows me the tattoo that adorns his neck. It looks like a snake wrapped around a large sabre that has a golden handle. He then hides it and faces me to explain that this means he is a soldier in my service.

-Why asking for the rock band members as a condition to join the counsel? He asks finally.

-It's none of your business, Master Isaac. I answer, emptying my glass with a single sip.

I leave him in front of the table, where I was a few seconds ago, and go to the control room to get news about my idols, or rather my idol. I cross my protector's gaze and this one seems exhausted.

-They're in coma. He announces, coming to me. We'll come back to see them once they're awake.

***To be continued...

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