Chapter 12: Nightmarish night

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I feel like I'm floating in a milky white void, everything around me is an infinite white color. I try to move my hands and feet but it's in vain. This increases my panic and I feel my heart beating faster.

Suddenly, the vision begins to clear up and I find myself in my old room at my house in Algeria. This time I feel that I can move my parts that were blocked a moment ago, it pushes me to start walking in the apartment looking for the others.

-Nadir... Mom... Lydia... I call them, shouting. Where are you ?

I don't get any answers and can't find anyone in the living room or in the kitchen. I decide to look in my brother's room because it's the only place left. I turn the handle and then open the door to see my mother back to me...

-Mom, I'm really sorry I haven't saved you. I say, getting closer to her.

My energy begins to vibrate as when it detects danger and I step back a few steps when I get straight ahead of my mother. She turns towards me and when I see her face, I scream with surprise and shock and then start to run away.

-Look at what you had done to me, ugly creature. Her voice shouts. You let them kill me with the others, you're just a selfish.

I scream in fear and this wakes me up with a start and discover that I'm lying on a white bed. I look around and find out I'm in a hospital room. Tears run down my cheeks and I raise my hand to wipe them.

-Everything is fine. A reassuring voice says. Calm down.

I turn slowly towards the voice's source and discover a man standing on the side of the shadow. He wears a long white jacket and there's a stethoscope wrapped around his neck, but I can't see his face because of the shadow that hides it.

-Who are you ? I ask as I straighten up.

-Stupid question, Nessrine Lezreg. He answers, getting closer. We know each other very well...

When I see him, I let out another scream and my breathing accelerates. I put my two hands on my mouth, not to vomit, then turn away my gaze not to see the filthy creature that stands in front of me.

-Look at what you had done to me, Princess ADELICE. He says with hate. Your friends had massacred me and transformed me into a monster.

-It was you who started it by touching me. I answer angrily. Ilya wanted to kill you but I didn't want to get him into trouble.

When he gets too close to me, I knock him then escape from the room, running. I cry for help but it seems that no one is hearing me, it makes me believe that I am alone in this horrible place.

The corridors I run through seem deserted and no trace of other people. A music begins to play suddenly and I recognize it being "Labyrinth" of my other favorite rock band Oomph!

-Left, right, straight ahead... There's nowhere out, you're dead...

I understand directly what these words mean, that I am trapped in a labyrinth. The master of these places must be somewhere and I have to find him to get out of here safely. I concentrate on the wings in my back to get them out but can't...

-Shit !! I swear between my tight teeth. I have to find a way out.

I continue to run in this damn labyrinth during what seems to me long time, and it tires me too much. I end up leaning against a wall and let myself slide down. I listen to the music playing echo throughout the hospital and it makes me shudder with fear.

-So you are already tired, Princess ADELICE? A sarcastic voice asks. I can come and help you die quicker.

-I haven't yet said my last word !! I shout as I get up. Who are you ?

-I am the alpha and the omega, the earth and the sky, the light and the darkness... He replies.

-I'm not in the mood to listen to stupidities. I exclaim with boredom. You're the master, aren't you? Lucifer's son who seeks a princess who will bear his son.

The answer doesn't come and I continue my race, hours pass or rather are they only minutes? I don't know, but it seems that we are in the middle of the night because the windows that point to the outside show a total black with no moon.

-Let me go out !! I shout, striking with all my strength on the wall to my right.

This blow makes a big hole in the wall and makes me realize that everything around me is cardboard. This discovery illuminates an idea in my head and I continue to knock into the wall until I form a hole at my size and go out.

-In the balls, the master. I laugh, twerking. You were not expecting this, were you?

-You're the one who didn't expect this, Ness. A man replies, to my right, in the darkness.

I jump up when discovering that I'm back to my starting point. Ifrayem looks at me with hatred from his corner of the dark room and I see his red eyes reflecting his anger. I swallow my saliva and put myself directly in a defence position.

-Shit !! I swear, seeing my worst nightmare approaching me.

I retreat blindly because I don't know what is around me and try to dodge the wild beast that faces me. Ifrayem, or rather the creature that says to be my former torturer, jumps on me and I fall under his weight.

-I have the right to touch you a second time, and you can do nothing to stop me. He says sarcastically.

His nauseating breath makes me want to vomit and I close my eyes so as not to see my death but nothing comes from him, despite the sensation of his weight nailing me to the ground. Suddenly I hear him shrieking in pain and then he gets up.

-We are here to frighten her, not to do perverse things. A voice I recognize as the master's voice shouts.

A hand helps me to get up but releases me quickly when it gets burned by my energy. I think of nothing else but escaping, so I push him without knowing who he is, and begin to run towards the door that's open.

During my new escape, I remember the servant's last words about my energy. Yessfidech said it's like wand-less magic. This discovery makes me stop in the corridor then I stretch out my hands in front of me.

-Release !! I cry, concentrating on my aura. Maximum protection !!

A moment passes then the landscape begins to change and I find myself for the second time in a hospital bed. The panic starts quickly and it pushes me to get up from bed to run away. I go straight to the door and then open it, but when I go out I bump into something and I'm sure it's not a wall because it's pretty pout.

-You want to already leave us, Miss Lezreg? The person I just hit asks.

I raise my head with fear to stare at the man against whom I am leaning. When I see his face, my eyes widen apart and my mouth suddenly becomes dry. Even talking becomes difficult.

-Please, tell me it's a joke ... I say with surprise.

***To be continued...

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