Chapter 18: Last day on earth

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-He's going to join Rayan, I'm sure. Landers adds. The other ERWI began to sow panic between the two camps.

-Other ERWI? I ask with interest. You mean that it's not the old man who had destroyed my country?

-Rayan had done nothing, Nessrine. My lover says. He no longer has control over the black soldiers after the appearance of the other ERWI.

All the questions I had in mind begin to get clarified. A new enemy added to the hunting list, and it's me who will kill them all and avenge my family.

-Are you together? Paul's soul asks.

-I'm not sure what Paul thinks about our nascent relationship. I answer.

-Are you sure, mistress? Yess asks, raising an eyebrow. How can you explain this then?

By the "this" he means that he's rather close to Joulanar the agent of Landers, in addition to see the full name of my lover engraved on his arm. I shrug my shoulders and then glance at the ex-guitarist to get his answer.

-What about Dero? He asks. I could see the harmony between you...

-Dero is a labyrinth master looking for a virgin. I answer. Besides, he's not my type of guys.

-Let's get back to the joint mission you have. Yessfidech begins. We'll meet in the control room in five minutes to discuss about it.

I look at Yess and then at Landers with surprise, the beautiful tattooed guy hadn't told me that we have both the same mission to accomplish. Paul shrugs and then follows the woman out, leaving me alone with my own agent.

-Are you together? Ben Daat asks, showing the ring he wears on the finger.

-He just came out of a traumatic relationship. I say sadly. I don't know if we will be ready to forget our past.

-His full name is engraved in my skin, mistress. Yessfidech adds. You're meant to be together.

His words may be true, or else I have only ideas. I have no time to fall in love, the war that arrives occupies all my thoughts. I sighed frustration and then began to leave the room.


-The other masters had voted to send you to the burnt land. Adds Ernest.

-And you don't ask for our opinions before sending us? Paul says furiously.

-It's a punishment for both of you... An emerald master says. To have fraternized with the enemy.

Stupid energy masters... I am ready to bet 100 balls that their intention is to deliver us to the ERWI. But these idiots don't know that I am half demon, and that ERWI is my own father.

-We'll have to go back home to get prepared. I say to the Supreme Master. And also to prevent the others about our absence.

-We give you time until tomorrow morning at 6am. Ernest commands. And I don't want any word said about the mission.

We go, Paul and I, to the villa but the beautiful brown says nothing along the way. I feel that he is nervous because his energy is vibrating around him and risks killing us both. I bend over him, keeping an eye on the road, then kiss him.

-I don't want to be killed by the new ERWI. Landers says with fear.

-No one will lay his hand on you, Dragul meu. I reassure him. I'll blow him up before he can even say "LADS"

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