Chapter 14: Visions at the appointment

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Paul throws a look that promises a thousand tortures to Flake and this one only sighs in boredom and then shakes his head and gets ready to leave. I grab him by the arm and then ask my brother, who has remained since the beginning watching us interrogatively, to take the little one to her room and stay with her.

-What's wrong between you two? I ask, facing them both.

-Paul is a traitor. The one I like to call father answers. He had betrayed the master's confidence and joined the other rank.

-You are not my mother to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. Landers spits.

These words light a strong tension between the two ex-friends and Flake is about to hit Landers in the face. I put myself between them for the second time and then grab both by their arms and pull them down the stairs.

-Where are you taking us? Paul asks.

-Shut up and follow me. I answer, making them climb the stairs.

I lead them to the room which I had transformed into a Rammstein's museum and then open the coded door with my ring. I get them in and then lighten the chandelier in the form of a Rammstein symbol hanging from the ceiling. Paul looks at the different things I bought while I feel Flake on the verge of tears.

-You shouldn't have brought us here. Landers starts. Rammstein no longer exists since Emu's death.

-It's because of you, Paul. Flake shouts, crying. You couldn't save him because you were too scared, you're a disgusting dirty traitor.

-Listen to me, both of you. I tell them. Rammstein is not going to die, I will buy the band at the end of the war and everything will be as before.

-Nothing will be the same as before. Flake says. Many countries have fallen because of Landers and his master.

-Landers saved your life during the attack in Mexico. I say angrily. When are you going to understand this?

Flake throws a surprised look at the ex-guitarist and the latter turns away his gaze and instead contemplates the various posters signed by them, hung all along the walls.

-I accept your invitation, Landers. I begin. But on one condition.

-What do you want in exchange? The tattooed asks.

-You bury the war's hatchet between you. I answer. You had made a bad choice by joining the energy masters.

-I had only followed the master's orders. The tattooed announces. These are his decisions.

The ex-guitarist's phone starts ringing and he takes it from his pocket. He looks at the screen then grins with discomfort, and I deduce that it's his girlfriend who's calling him.

-I'm on my way, Honey. The shortest says, answering. I'm coming very soon.

He hangs up and then puts the cell-phone back in his pants' pocket before taking a ticket and handing it to me. Paul shakes his friend's hand and then nods and leaves the museum.

-Can you tell me why you snatched my neck collar from me? I ask.

-It is used as a spy against you. He answers. A detector and recorder.

-I was right not to trust the masters of energy.

I hold him in my arms with love and then kiss him on the cheek and lead him towards the door. I return to my niece and try to understand what had happened to her.

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