Chapter 09: I'm a cashier

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After having left Nadir in front of his high school and Lydia in her university, I leave to say a word to the director and then go to my work's place. I roll in the city streets, listening to Rammstein, then arrive in just a few minutes.

I park the car in the parking lot and go out and lock it with the key. I start walking to the supermarket when I notice two other employees looking at me behind the window glass. I accelerate my steps and then get in front of the store's entrance.

-Hello, I'm here for work. I say politely to the man.

-You must be miss Lezreg, the new cashier. He exclaims. Come in.

-Please, sir, call me Ness. I tell him.

I enter the supermarket following the man who seems to be the place's boss and he takes me to his office. My energy manifests itself in my veins and gets into an attacking position if this man tries a doubtful gesture.

-You can relax. The boss says, turning to me. You seem tense.

-No, no. I exclaim hurriedly. I'm fine.

The boss beckons me to sit on a chair and he goes around his desk to sit also on the boss's chair who is in front of mine. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and stares at me carefully.

-Ulrich called me this morning to tell me we'll get a new cashier. He starts. I guess you're the little new?

-I prefer to go directly to work, if that doesn't bother you, sir.

-Call me Miklos, young girl. He says, stretching out his hand so I shake it.

I look at the hand outstretched to me and then stretch mine and catch it cautiously. Miklos smiles mockingly and then pulls out his hand but he hits the small frame on the desk and knocks it over. I see an image move and it makes me retreat.

-The new technology. Miklos explains. It's amazing, isn't it?

The image that moves on the touch screen attracts my attention a second time and I gently turn the frame towards me to see it better. A man is standing in my boss's arms who looks at him lovingly, while another older one is standing behind, smiling at them.

-My boyfriend, Alex. My boss says. And the other is my father, an Arabic man.

-Rayan... I whisper, recognizing the old man. My father who had disappeared for 10 years without leaving traces.

-You mean you are the energy mistress Rayan was talking about all the time? He asks with surprise. My younger sister ?

My father is alive... and I have a brother older than me named Miklos and who is German on top of all. I open my mouth and close it several times, trying to say something but no word comes out of my mouth, suddenly dry.

-You are an ADELICE, Nessrine. My boss adds. But nobody should know.

-I don't know what you're talking about, Miklos. I say with a shrug.

-Well, what I have just told you should remain here, otherwise you'll get into troubles. My big brother says, standing up. can I make you visit the market?

The man, who says he's the son of Rayan Lezreg, makes a guided tour of the store and I notice the looks of other employers on me. They talk to each other but always remain discreet.

-Belmonte, come and show our new member the changing room's location. The boss asks her.

-Welcome, young new employee. A redhead says, coming towards me. I'm Nikki Belmonte.

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