Chapter 01: The disaster

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-You will not be able to escape any longer from us, Nessrine Lezreg. The awful voice rings, again.

I wake with a startle, my body bathed in a cold sweat. I get up from my bed and go to the kitchen to drink water. I pour a glass and then lean on the table's edge and try to remember what I've seen.

I remember very well men wearing hoods, getting off a bizarre plane and killing innocent people with lasers. I don't think it is a normal dream but rather a vision, because it has been repeating in my head for months.

-You're not sleeping, Ness? My younger brother asks, as he joins me. Usually, you sleep like a potato bag until morning.

-I only had thirst, Nadir. I answer, putting the glass in the sink. You were studying until this late hour?

-You know the answer, old sister. He says, teasingly. This year's my BAC exams and I have to hustle day and night.

Nadir is my youngest brother, he is 18 years old and will have his BAC exams this year. He really likes teasing me and this makes my mother, usually, angry with us. But we are rather accomplices, when no one is looking.

-Rather, it's Lisa's promise that got your attention. I say sarcastically. The Volkswagen that Samir's boss wants to sell.

-You can say that. He answers, laughing.

After this little talking, I get back to my room to go back to bed but I can't sleep in peace, because of my brain that's working at full speed. Something tells me that it's related to the energy that's flowing in my veins and doesn't find an exit...


-Come on, get up lazy girl. I hear my mother's voice waking me up.

-What time is it, mom? I ask as I hardly get up.

-10.30... She answers, taking her computer from the bedside table. Nadir went to revise with his friend Bilal.

I get up from my bed and then trot down to the bathroom where I wash my face and teeth and then go to the kitchen to have breakfast. I hear my mother laughing with her brother on Skype, and it makes me smile.

After washing my orange juice's glass and my plate of biscuits, I do the usual cleaning and swipe the floor. Once finished, I sit in front of my computer and turn it on.

-I'm going to the neighbour's house to chit chat with her a little. My mother tells me.

-Jawida? I ask, my eyes on the PC. Please, tell Sonia to join me.

She nods and then leaves the room. I hear the door open and close and I stay here, waiting for my best friend's visit. Only a few minutes pass and then I hear somebody ringing at the door, I rush to it to open.

-Where you impatient to see me,or expecting someone's visit? My brother asks, entering.

-Sonia is coming, I haven't seen her in a while. I reply as I get in the living-room.

The house in which we live has only two rooms, in addition to the living room, the kitchen and the sanitary. I know, it's rather a bit small but that's how the apartments are made in this small neighbourhood.

My family lived here before I was born, and all the neighbours have known each other for more than 25 years. It is rather a kind of family in this building with 18 houses.

-Your friend is here, Nessrine. My brother calls out. I'll bring her to your room.

I get out of my imaginations' world and discover that I am in front of the window. I glance out to the primary school in front of us and black spots on the horizon attract my attention. My energy vibrates in my body slightly.

-What are you looking at ? I hear my friend's voice, approaching.

-Nothing at all. I answer when I discover that the points disappeared. Well, we're gonna listen to some rock and you'll tell me the news.

Sonia smiles mischievously and this is a sign she has so many things to tell me. We pass in front of  my brother's room and find him doing some bodybuilding.

I make her go into the other room and then go out to get us some drinks. When I come back, I find her scrolling down an images' folder on my computer.

-Still crushing on the German guitarist? She asks with a laugh. Paul Landers...

-He's rather cute. I answer, handing her a drink. I tried to contact their manager and I succeeded.

-Is it a real love, or only to bury what Ifrayem had done between your fiance and you?

I sigh with frustration and then get up from the bed and approach the window. It's an ancient story and I want to bury it, but I can't... it's stronger than me. Ifrayem had done horrible things to me, that nobody could imagine.

-Forget the past and tell me, is there a guy that succeeded to attract your attention in the university? She asks.

-No one is mature enough to attrackt my attention. I answer, looking outside. And you know that-

I stop when I notice other points on the horizon, this time more clear. I focus on them and find out that they are weird planes. A chill runs along my spine and I feel the energy, blocked in me, exploding.

-Are you okay, Nessrine? The girl asks. You don't seem okay.

-I don't know... I reply, looking at the planes that are dangerously approaching.

The sweat begins to flow down my body at every distance that the vessels gain in the sky. Then suddenly, an explosion sounds somewhere and I see the planes releasing bombs. These are warplanes, dear lord !!

-What the hell ? My brother shouts, coming from the other room. What is happening ?

-They are after me... I answer without really paying attention to what I've just said.

Another explosion tears the silence, closer this time, and the pain continues inside my body. My hands clench for a moment and then begin to release a golden energy that surrounds me.

Nadir and Sonia look at me with astonishment but I don't pay attention to them and instead focus on a way to protect them. An image appears in my head and I see what I have to do to save our lives.

-Protection !! I shout, holding out my hands on both sides.

A golden aura comes from my hands and runs to the walls that surround the apartment. At the same time, an explosion above the building resounds but only shakes the walls, causing the other two to pass out.

-Shit... I swear between my teeth then faint too.

***To be continued...

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