Chapter 10: I need more explanations

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I drive through the city's crowded streets to the country where our house is. At some point I see a vision in my brain.

-I'm closer than you think, Lezreg. A man's voice murmurs.

I close my eyes to chase the pain that is beginning to spread in my head. But when I open them, I discover that I'm going directly to a ravine. I quickly turn the steering wheel towards the other direction but the car ends up directly against a tree.

-Fuck !! I exclaim, hitting the steering wheel.

I look for my phone in my jacket that I put on the other seat and then call the control room. A moment passes before I hear the voice of my agent, reaching me.

-I know what happened, I'll send you reinforcements right away. He simply says.

I lock all the car doors and then stay on my driver's seat looking at the forest that surrounds me. I feel that someone is watching me behind the trees, which increases my panic.

-Open the door for me, Ness. A sudden voice that I recognize says. Don't be afraid...

With sweaty hands, I unlock the door on the other side and let the rock band's drummer enter. Doom moves into the seat next to mine and then closes the door at the same moment when something strikes it and moves the car.

-What are you doing here, Christoph? I ask him interrogatively.

-I'm just doing my job. He answers. Watching over you and keeping him away from reaching you.

-At first Till, then Richard and now you... I start. Who wants to kill me?

Schneider doesn't answer, he tries to touch my arm to reassure me but gets electrified by the energy that's circulating in my veins. He moves back instinctively but doesn't leave the car.

-Son of a bitch. He exclaims with fury. He has poisoned your blood, no soldier can touch you.

-What are you talking about? I ask with surprise.

-I have no right to tell you. He answers hurriedly. I have to go, but keep this letter with you until you get safe...

The drummer gives me a green envelope and then winks at me. As he gets out of the car, I see the other one arriving and stopping, then Nadir and Yess's hologram get out and come to me.

-All right, don't worry princess. The servant says.

I go out of my car to the other and then enter the driver's place without saying a word. We only get home, Nadir and me, and let the hologram repair the car with the tools in the glove box.

Upon arriving in the villa, I notice a lot of boxes outside the door and see Lydia watching television with Assia. Yessfidech comes after me and welcomes me.

-Nessrine, come with me. The agent says gently, dragging me to the basement.

I follow my servant, without saying a word, to the control room and then close the door to prevent others from entering or hearing what is being said. I sit on a comfortable chair and face Yess.

-Show me today's letters. He asks.

Reminding me of Richard and Schneider's letters, I take them out of my jacket's pocket and give them to him. The brown takes them without saying a word and then opens the first one which is yellow. He looks at its contents and then hands it to me.

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