Chapter 22: Another world

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I turn off the fire underneath the pan then look for a bowl in the pile of dishes. I pour the contents of the saucepan into my bowl, then look for chopsticks in the basket of utensils. When I find all I need, I sit in front of the friends and then start eating.

-I have a lot of questions I'd like to ask you, if you don't mind. I begin, sucking a net of noodles.

-You can ask any questions you want, your highness. Richard says. We're here to answer.

-When you were rescued in the masters' council building, I noticed you lost 10 years of your age. I say, pointing the chopsticks at Paul. He was the first one I had seen.

Richard scratches his badly shaved beard and then turns to all his ex-colleagues and throws them an interrogative glance. It's Till who nods the first, with a head gesture. Then Oliver looks at Paul before coughing loudly.

-We don't have the right to tell you. The bald announces, with regret. It's related to the fact that we are princes.

-I'll tell her then. Nikki cuts him, then begins to explain. They have done a ritual with the great ERWI to protect you, so they don't age anymore.

-Nikki, you don't have the right to tell her about us !! Lindemann exclaims. We are cursed by joining the black master.

I look at Till with surprise and only at this moment that I notice the tattoo in a sword's shape, adorning his neck. I rest my chopsticks on my almost finished bowl then I rise from the stool and approach the ex-singer.

-If you're here to protect me, then why don't you tell me? I ask him. I love you all six more than my own family.

-It's very complicated, seeing your life suddenly stop without explanation. Paul says, then runs his hands on his face. It's true that eternity is a fascinating thing, but not in a world like this.

-I understand you perfectly, dearest lover. I say, turning to him. I will do my best to change our future.

I go back to my seat to finish my favourite dish when a question makes its appearance in my head. I turn back directly to Oliver and he turns white, when he sees my sudden interest in him.

-A problem that concerns me, your Highness? He asks with panic.

-Sorry for scaring you, Ollie. I say with regret. I just wanted to know where we are...

-In a universe parallel to that of humans. Landers answers. Only LADS are able to survive in a world like this.

-That explains why there are no other people here, right? I ask them.

-Indeed. Miklos replies, as he enters in the hut. In fact, Father wants to talk to you.

Rayan has not yet let go of his change, say so. I really don't want to talk to him right now, war is a thing that only concerns me right now, and it will be their death or mine.

-Tell him I'll see him tomorrow morning, or what looks like it in this world. I say with a sigh. I need to spend a little more time with my fiance.

-He wants to know the cause of your presence in the ancestors' land, Jerusalem. My half-brother says. And also about the mission's purpose.

-I have nothing to hide from the princes. I begin, going to wash my bowl. The cursed sword disappeared when I touched it.

-Are you sure of that, Adelice? Till says, analysing me carefully. I rather see its aura on you.

-I don't understand what you're getting at. I say, taking a towel to wipe my hands.

Till gets up from the table and comes next to me then pulls on my jacket. He shrinks a little and then shows me what adorns my shoulder, the same sword that we were looking for in Palestine.

-I think I really have to talk to our father. I say with surprise.


-Forgive me, my daughter. Says Rayan says, placing his hand on my eyes. You should kill me to restore peace in the world.

-I can't, ERWI. I say, shaking my head. I don't know if I will be able to do it and be forgiven by Nadir and Miklos after that.

-Miklos know that I must die to stop the planet's destruction. The king says. And for Nadir, he lived 10 years without me, he can bear my loss.

I get out of my memories and then touch the sword tattoo that adorns my whole arm. This is what Ifrayem was looking for and also the cause of our dispute. A sword, just a sharp weapon to change the future.

-Shit !! I haven't expected this. I exclaim, putting my hands on my face.

I feel Paul moving beside me but he doesn't wake up. I watch him sleep and then remember the conversation we had, ERWI and me. This is confirmed, I am the only one able to put an end to this war because the sword had chosen me. Even if another one tries to use it, he can't accomplish the prophecy.

-You're not asleep, Adelice? Landers says, hugging me against him. I feel your anxiety through our bond.

-I'm just worried about the war. I answer, putting my head on his arm. In addition we will soon return to Germany, and I must make my choice before that.

-Let things work according to the course of time. He says, trying to reassure me.

I sigh then stick my back against his chest and let out a frustrated breath. I feel Paul caressing my cheek then buries his head in my neck and breaths my smell deeply. I finally fall asleep as I crouch in my lover's arms.

To be continued...

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