Chapter 24: Give me a last chance

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I kiss the ERWI's hand with respect and then back away to bow to him. My father smiles and then puts his hand on my head. I feel energy slipping from his palm toward my body, but it stops suddenly. I finally put my wings behind my back after vowing to him fidelity.

-You can leave now to the humans' world, with my blessing my daughter. Rayan says.

-I pledge myself to protect her as best I can. Dero says with respect. Don't worry, ERWI.

-I trust you, labyrinth master. My father answers, nodding.

After this farewell ceremony, I leave the burned land with Paul in addition to the rest of the former rock band with Nikki, Richard's girlfriend. It's Chris Pohl who had secured our entry into the human world, with the help of his bodyguard.

Upon arriving at the villa after 3 hours of travelling, I notice the two black cars that watching the villa and thinking they are discreet. I tell my doubts back to Dero, who came with us for more security, and he gives them a simple look.

-Let me take care of them, in my way. Dero says with a machiavellous smile.

-Thank you very much, master of the labyrinth. I tell him.

The car stops in front of the villa, and it's at this moment that I see my agent appearing, followed by Joulanar. The woman steps forward quickly, then opens the gate, before throwing herself into Paul's arms to hug him firmly against her.

-Master Landers, I missed you a lot. She says crying, then kisses him.

-You know I can become very jealous, Joulanar. I say mockingly. I'm the only one who can kiss him.

-I missed you too. Yessfidech says, hugging me. Don't be very jealous of Paul's soul.

Before entering to the villa's garden, I turn around and watch Dero taking care of the spies. I shake my head and then turn to get in, we walk quickly to the inside of the villa and that's where I see Doom singing while cooking with my cousin.

-I'm very glad that their relationship evolved during our absence. I whisper to Paul who's standing next to me.

-Our poor drummer had suffered so much after his wife's death. My fiance says. He deserves to be happy.

The couple finally notice us and turn towards us, my cousin quickly comes to throw herself in my arms and crying while hugging me against her. I put my hand on her hair and whisper that I'm fine, but she keeps shedding her tears.

-I thought you would never come back. She says between two sobs. I had waited for you but you hadn't shown up.

-I promised to come back, Lydia, and here I am. I say without ceasing to caress her hair.

-I'm very glad the mission didn't kill you, Ness. Doom says after some hesitation. You are more powerful than I thought.

-It is also thanks to Paul if I am still alive, in addition to others. I say then correct him. And please call me Adelice Lorenz.

-Adelice Lorenz !? Schnei says with surprise. If the master knew...

-He knows about it, and it doesn't concern him the least in the world. I announce and then ask my servant to join me in the control room.

We leave Paul with his old friend and colleague and go down to the basement. When we're finally alone, I decide to tell him the cause of my sudden order. I sit comfortably on the sofa and face Yess.

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