Chapter 05: The masters' council

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I wake up early to get ready, take a quick shower in my bathroom then put on casual clothes. I sit down to breakfast, Lydia with me.

-Hello, Ly. I say, sitting down in my chair. Slept well ?

-Not really, I was thinking about this appointment with the council. Lydia replies.

-Is Sonia still asleep? I ask, pouring some apple juice.

My cousin answers with a nod and then attacks her breakfast to finish quickly, she eats small biscuits but I see that she's forcing herself to swallow them so I don't question her. After this, we go out to the flying car which's waiting outside the villa.

Many things have changed in this country and it's more developed than ever. This is clearly seen in the material around us. Yessfidech, in hologram in front of us, explains to us the changes that the government had made thanks to the energies of the masters.

-Don't panic. The hologram agent says. It will not be good to get scared in front of the supreme master.

-I'm not panicked, Yess. I answer him. Maybe Ly, but not me.

-I'm not panicked. My cousin exclaims from her corner. And thank you for not coming with us.

-You know very well that I can't leave the manor without protection. My servant retorts. I'm connected to it.

-Ok, never mind... I mumble. We have arrived.

After few minutes of driving, the car stops in front of a large white building. The entrance door is made of double wood and we can distinguish three symbols on this one; a snake, a lion and an eagle. And at the top of the building I see a large dragon statue with wings that are stretched out on the entrance.

-I feel several other energies inside. I exclaim, leaving the car.

-I also feel them. Ly adds, following me out. You think all the council members are here?

-I've no idea. I retort and then turn towards the brown. What do you think, Yess?

-All the masters are in the throne room. He answers, floating beside us.

We get in front of the guard who puts our energies to control, passing a long and thin metal stick before our hands. I show him the pass that I hung on my jacket and he lets us in.

-Thank you. I tell him in English.

A robot leads us through the corridors to the meeting room. As we had felt, I notice that about ten or twelve people occupy the room. They all wear white capes that cover their faces and I can't recognize their identities.

-The last ruby ​​mistress has arrived, great master. A voice exclaims.

These words put an end to their discussions and lead to total silence on their part. I feel my cheeks blushing with embarrassment when they focus all their eyes on me, I really don't like to be the center of interest. I stay on the doorstep, trying to hide behind the hologram.

-Come here, miss. A man says, sitting on a golden throne.

I hesitate for a moment but eventually get into the room and then get closer to him, followed closely by Yess. The protector sends me a mental message telling me what to do, and I bow to the master and then resume my initial position and stand waiting for him to say something or ask me to do something.

-Topaz, get me the necklaces and the life water. The old man orders.

One of the masters, with a yellow symbol on his back, bows in front of him and then leaves the great room. He returns after a few seconds, carrying a golden jug, a diamond chalice and a ruby ​​box. He gives them to the master and then backs away. The old man pours a liquid into the glass and looks at it with satisfaction.

-Drink this sacred water. The master says, handing me the glass full of water.

My servant advances in front of me and grabs the chalice then brings it to me and asks me to drink it all in one gorged. I look at the fluid that floats and then carry the chalice to my mouth and drink everything. For a moment nothing happens, but after a few minutes I feel my back burning atrociously.

-What's happening ? Lydia exclaims, seeing me twisting in pain.

-The last part of the transformation, young lady. Another master explains.

The pain continues and I feel something ripping my back in search of an outing. I concentrate on my energy and let the thing go away. The pain gradually diminishes and then disappears completely.

-Surprising !! Yessfidech exclaims, touching my back. Dragon Wings...

-Wings ?! I shout, turning on myself to try to see them. Why fucking wings?

-Your language. A mistress says, before answering. Your wings show that you are the great mistress who will save us from the evil.

A mistress approaches me and makes me wear the necklace that the old man took out of the box. It is a protector in the shape of a triangle, the point pointing upwards. In the center is a serpent, that of my cousin carries a lion.

-Now... bow to the last energy mistress. One of them announces.

-I have my conditions before being part of this council. I exclaim furtively.

-I'm listening to you... The supreme master begins.

-To start, I don't want to be stuck here all the time. I begin. I want to go back to my normal life.

-You want to go back to the university? A mistress shouts. It's useless...

I turn to the source of the answer and descend from the throne to go to the woman. I remove the hood that hides her face, to better face her. The metisse hides her face quickly and then flaps the cover over her head.

-I'm not going back to university but I want a job. I answer. As a cashier in a supermarket.

-Why this work and not others? The master that's on my right asks. You know very well that technology has changed and people are no longer going to markets.

-But they always exist, I want to see people and feel that I am not alone in this world. I reply then add. Besides, I want to be busy...

The great master accepts the conditions without saying anything contradictory. This encourages me to ask my other conditions which are about the other three.

-I want these same conditions to be applied to my other travelling companions. I add, turning to my cousin. But it will be up to them to decide what to do.

-The conditions will only be applied to your cousin and your brother. One of the agents says. Sonia will be sent to her sister in France...

-You don't have the right to keep someone who's not blood related to you. Yess tells me.

-Even these conditions are accepted. The old man declares. Something else ?

Another thing... 

I don't know if I have to say it or keep my mouth shut and lose the chance to meet them. I've been burning for years, silently. I raise my eyes then look at him and make my decision...

-I don't know if I ought to tell you, great master. The words slip from my knotted throat.

-Everything you want will be granted. The master begins. Do you want something else ?

-Yes... I answer after a long hesitation. Rammstein.

***To be continued...

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