Chapter 11: Crossing roads

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-We have to go back home, too. My cousin says, getting me out of my dreams. And you'd better tell me why Kruspe is here.

-He just came to thank me for saving them the other time. I answer. Well, come on we have to go back to the villa.

I don't look at anyone else and rather drag my cousin to the parking lot. I look for my car between the other BMW's before remembering that I only have to press the button that is on its key to locate it.

-Your car is here, Ness. My cousin says on the other side of the parking lot.

The way back from the hall to our house passes silent and I think Lydia is always furious against me, for having left her alone with strangers. I don't really care about her anger and think about what happened during our meeting.

-Look out to the turning !! My cousin shouts, turning my wheel to the right.

The wheels of the vehicle emit a squealing noise and then the car stops in the middle of the road. This is the second time in a week that I almost made an accident because of my inattention, I think I should use the autopilot next time.

-I can take us back to the villa if you're not well. The redhead proposes.

-I'm going to turn the autopilot on. I answer, pressing the little button behind the wheel.

When we get home, I go back straight to my room to change into pajamas. The others must be sleeping and I don't bother them. I get out of the room after wearing my new Rammstein pajamas and then go down to the control room, taking the pink letter with me.

-You met a new black soldier? Yess asks when I join him.

-Christian Flake Lorenz. I announce, encircling his waist with my arms. He left me a letter too, pink this time.

-Show it to me. He asks, holding his arm behind him. I want to see it.

I lay the envelope on his palm that's stretched towards me then back up to let he open it. The servant carves the corner with one of his demon nails, then takes out the letter and reads it aloud so I can hear it too.

-"I will be a spiritual father to you, my princess."

-I completely love him... I announce, feeling my heart beat fast. I always saw him as the father I had lost ten years ago.

-Well, you have to go to rest. Yess asks me to put the envelope with the others. I'll join you right away.


I wake up with difficulty this morning, I feel a horrible headache nailing me to bed and I hardly raise my head. I didn't drink alcoholic beverages yesterday at the party despite the temptation to touch a few drinks.

-Yessfidech... I whisper, trying to focus on the link between us. I need your help, friend.

I fall back on the bed, holding my head in my hands and grin in pain. A moment passes then the door opens and I see the servant entering our room. I sigh in relief and then close my eyes and listen to his steps approaching the bed, coming towards me.

-Take this vial and drink its content. He asks, sitting on the bed, then raises my head. you'll feel better after a while.

-Thank you, Yess. I say after drinking the bluish liquid. I don't know what would have happened to me without you.

-You shouldn't have sat with a black soldier all that time. He says, hugging me. Their black auras disrupt your energy.

I lay my head against his chest, then close my eyes and sleep for a moment, before waking up again. The room is deserted and the light that comes in by the window shows that it is mid-day.

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