Chapter 20: ERWI prisoners

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-Where is the sword, young ADELICE? Ifrayem asks with rage. I know you have it.

-I don't know, he disappeared when I touched it. I answer him.

-As if I'm going to believe you, little plague. Ifrayem says, pushing me savagely. I know you hid it somewhere.

A ball of energy suddenly strikes him but he manages to master it and then throws it back towards the master of energy. Paul gets it in the belly and staggers a little but doesn't fall. Ifrayem steps forward and faces him.

-Paulie, I almost forgot you with my excitement to find my ex. My former German teacher says.

-Put a single finger on the princess and it's your whole hand that you'll lose. My lover threatens him. The Master wants your head, and I will be the one who will bring it to him.

-Not before I remove yours. ERWI starts, then attacks the black soldier.

A great battle begins immediately between the ERWI and the black soldier, I try to intervene but one of the soldiers holds me back and puts a kind of epaulette on my shoulders. My energy starts to disappear and I think it's related to the thing.

-Liberate me right away !! I scream, trying to tear away but the soldier holds me firmly.

-I only receive orders from my master. The LADS answers.

Blood begins to flow from my nose because of staying beside him and I decide to try to free myself one last time. The combination evaporates as I explode my energy, but the air of the burnt land doesn't kill me.

-Your Highness !! Paul shouts, running towards me in incredible speed. Are you fine ?

I look a little around me and discover the few LADS all fainted on the ground, and it surprises me enormously. My wings make a passage from my back and protect me inside by wrapping around my body. I throw a last look at Paul before falling into unconsciousness.


I wake up feeling a horrible headache, the place where I find myself is not familiar to me at all. It looks like a prison of the past centuries that the barbarians used to enclose their war prisoners.

-The Princess has finally awakened? A male's voice asks, then opens the door.

-I order you to release me immediately. I shout, getting up. Otherwise you will suffer a painful fate.

-You can do nothing against me, young ADELICE. Ifrayem says, entering, then closes the door behind him. Remember the last time...

My former German teacher is advancing rapidly towards me and I try to dodge him, but can't. I'm tied by the foot with a metal chain lanyard that keeps me from staying away from the man I hate the most in the world.

-Why me ? I ask, pressed against the wall. All the high school girls were trying to get your attention.

-But it was you who I wanted, an ADELICE capable of giving birth to my heir. Ifrayem replies. But your friends didn't let me finish the invocation ritual.

-I hate you, son of bitch !! I shout angrily. I'll have your head at the end.

The ERWI laughs then gets closer of me then buries his head in my neck. I shudder with disgust then push him with all my human strength away from me and this makes him fall backwards. Ifrayem gets up and looks at me.

-You're still very powerful, young princess. He says, grinning. I thought that by blocking your energy, I will have the upper.

-You had ordered your soldiers to exterminate my country, and you killed my family. I say, feeling the tears rising.

-Your mother wanted your death, do you remember? The brown begins. She knew you were an ADELICE, but it was too late.

Ifrayem turns abruptly toward the door and sniffs the air before transforming into the filthy creature I had encountered in the nightmare. The door opens harshly and I sigh when I see the person who just entered.

-The master will be so glad to see you again, dirty traitor. Dero starts as he enters. He's gonna get you a hell of a mess.

The master of the labyrinth sends Ifrayem against the wall, then I see him pulling a strange rope out of his hands before attaching him with it. Another person comes in and this time I see a red hair.

-Your Highness !! Nikki exclaims, running toward me. Did he do something to you?

I don't reply and rather collapse in her arms and begin to weep over the tears that remained after the destruction of my country.

-Nikki, you found her? Another female voice asks while entering. Oh my God...

-The traitor had tried to finish the ritual. Dero explains, pulling out Ifrayem. Luckily we arrived just in time.

-Where is Paul ? I ask, raising my head to look at Belmonte. He was with me-

Before finishing my sentence, I see my brown coming in and he seems full of torture scars. The other girl who spoke with my ex-colleague runs quickly to him, she examines it quickly and then puts her hands on the cuts that start to disappear.

-She's a healing soldier. Paul answers the question I had not asked. Nikki, help her to change this clothes, we'll meet outside near the jeep.

Nikki removes her backpack then opens it and reveals an outfit of black soldiers. She hands it to me without a word and I understand that I have to wear it immediately. I put it on quickly, when she removes the chain on my foot, then I follow her outside.

-My lord must be waiting for us, your Highness. She says, dragging us into the dark corridors.

-Nikki? I ask, following her quickly.

-Yes, my lady? She worries without turning her head towards me. You're not feeling good?

-Nikki, we are friends. I say, shaking my head. We can talk without the formalities.

I think I saw the soldier smile but I'm not sure about this. We finally arrive in front of the jeep and I only see Paul with the other girl, while there is no trace of Dero or Ifrayem.

-Where is the master of the labyrinth? I ask, climbing to the back. The ERWI is with him.

-He'll literally cook him before bringing him back to the camp. The young brunette answers. By the way, I'm Natalia Burda, Paul's best friend.

I don't add anything and just stare at the burned road and don't pay attention to the others until Paul announces that we arrived at their encampment. What I see first through the window are the soldiers who go back and forth around what looks like wooden houses, but I doubt that real wood is not what their construction is made of.

-The great master is waiting for you, your Highness. Natalia says with respect.He's in the biggest house.

Paul comes out of the car and then opens the door and I smile discreetly to him. He takes me to a house a little away from the others and then brings me in. We advance a little until the throne room, then...

-I'm so happy to see you again, my little Adelice. A man's voice that I recognize says.

To be continued...

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