Chapter 03: Burned land

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I don't know how long I was sitting here, staring out of the window at the dark pace of the once cheerful land. The house only floats a few meters away, allowing me to see the damage that the LADS have caused.

I feel tears of sadness and rage threatening to fall from my eyes and I don't stop them from sinking down my cheeks. Yessfidech is not here, he went to watch over the sleepers in the sleeping room.

-Move a little away from that window, and don't stand there staring at the earth. My protector says. You know it's not your fault.

I turn around and look at him with tearful eyes before nodding briefly. The servant looks at me for a moment then comes towards me and squeezes me against him.

-Don't cry... everything will be okay. He whispers and caresses my hair.

In my heart I know nothing will be like before. I just lost my mother in addition to my big sister, her husband and their daughter. I also lost my family in this horrible war that I still don't understand.

-Talk to me, say something... I beg. Don't let silence turn me crazy.

-You have not eaten for days. Yessfidech says, backing a little to look at my face.

-I don't need to eat, I want to die. I whisper, resting my head on his shoulder, and listening to the beating of his heart.

The brown raises my face towards him and looks in my eyes. I see sadness mixed with courage and a little patience. How can I read in people's eyes? I really don't know... All I know is that I can decipher his look simply as if reading a book.

-I'll take you to your room. He says, carrying me in his arms like a princess. You really need to sleep.

-I'm afraid to close my eyes and see these devilish demons. I say, circling my arms around his neck.

-I'd give you sleeping pills that will help you sleep without dreams. He says as he leaves the surveillance room.

The man in black slips slowly along the corridors and then goes up the stairs and I discover that the surveillance room is in the basement. I notice that the old apartment has changed. I really don't care about this and look at the room we're entering.

-I've completely changed the house so they don't detect us. My holder answers the question I didn't ask.

I don't retaliate and instead rest my head on the pillow when he deposits me on the soft bed. I watch him open a drawer and take out a capsule full of a greenish liquid that he hands me. I uncork the lid and drink all in one sip.

-Well... He says sadly. I have to go back and check the cards to find out if there is a protected country.

-Thank you for being here for me. I tell him, closing my eyes.

-It is my duty to serve you. He simply says. It's an honour to work with an energy master, this powerful.

Mistress of energy... this word is constantly repeated in the house for a week without me really understanding what it means. Maybe it's a kind of prophecy or magic like in Harry Potter but I don't know.

-Do you want me to put some music for you? He asks, covering me with sheets.

-Yes. I simply answer. The songs of my three favourite bands will be okay.

I feel his fresh lips land on my forehead and then hear the sound of a door that gets closed. I get on my back and think that it's been days since we're here, lost in space, but I still don't know who this stranger is. All I know is that I should trust him.

The sweet music of the song "Wo Bist Du? "Of Rammstein draws me slowly into the darkness and I don't fight against the arms of Morpheus. I think about the guitarist before sinking into sleep.


I run on a burnt ground, pursued by hooded people who want to kill me. I always run and try to escape, but it seems to me that the earth is endless... There is no refuge where I can hide.

-You'll end up falling between our claws, Nessrine. A horrible voice says.

I continue my escape in the burned ground but the LADS catch up with me and begin to surround me. The circle narrows and I feel the air escaping me, I start to suffocate and can't breathe properly.

-No !! I shout, trying to push them away with the little energy I have.

I awake with a start and discover that it's just another nightmare. The music always plays in the room and it's one of the songs of my other group Emigrate, "you can't get enough".

-Are you alright, Nessrine? Yessfidech asks, entering the room. I heard you shouting...

-I saw them... I say, crying. They pursued me to tear my heart out.

The young brown comes closer to the bed and then sits next to me. I throw myself into his arms and start crying. Yess begins to stroke my hair and then wipes my tears with his fingers.

-I have finally found a habitable land that is protected. He announces, standing. Come, I'll show you.

I get up from the bunk and follow him out of the room, letting the music play alone. We arrive in the control room and I avoid looking to the window for fear of seeing the spectacle of the earth again.

-There are other masters and mistresses of energy. He announces, opening the continents' map. They are everywhere.

-Where, for example? I ask as I sit on the chair next to him.

-In Africa there are Tunisia, Niger and Egypt. In Asia; China, Japan and Russia. In Europe there are France, Italy, England, Germany and Switzerland. And it is only the USA that is saved in America.

-What is the most powerful country? I ask, scrutinizing the auras.

The room's servant places his finger on the map and shows me a country that is very powerful. It contains many energy masters because of its place in all of this. I look at it with surprise then turn to Yess.

-The masters' council is found in Germany? I ask, surprised.

-Yes... My protector answers. Will we set our destination on this country?

I answer with a nod, then close my eyes and repress my tears of sadness. I think of our future, which is being traced slowly before us and to our new life without the family.

***To be continued...

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